Chapter 690

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30 minutes later with Matt & Gabby:
Matt's POV: After giving the babies a bath (and taking a shower when one of the triplets had another explosion on me), I came out of the washroom to see Gabby laying down in bed with breakfast next to her. Call this intuition based on how long me and Gabby have been married but, I just already knew that something was wrong. Walking over to the bed, I looked at the breakfast that Antonio must've brought us. "Did Antonio bring the food up here for a reason?"

Gabby sighed when I asked her that before going to sit up more and patting the bed next to her. I agreed and went to sit down next to her. "You okay babe?" Getting close to her, I went to grab my arm around her before grabbing her hand. "I am sorry if I am taking this harder than I should." I knew exactly what she was talking about when she said that and just sighed. "Gabby, don't say that. You are allowed to grieve as long as you want when it comes to this."

Gabby then turned to look at me and sighed as she rubbed my hand. "I guess I am just mad that we lost another baby...and not just one one but, in that way. It's not fair that we had to have another pregnancy like that." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Leaning in, I went to kiss her softly and just sighed. "I agree with you Gabby. Just remember that I am here for you okay? You can always talk to me." Gabby nodded when I said that. "I still want to go out."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before smiling at her. "Me too. But you know, we don't have to go right away." Gabby shook her head. "No Matt, I want to do out with you because I need to just have time with you. Yes, we went to that hotel but...I want to just be with you. Hold your hand and explore the city. That is what I need today. Can you please promise me that is what we are going to do. I mean, you are really good in bed but...I don't need that."

I agreed with her when she said that before smiling as I went to get close to her. Moving my hand to her hip, I went to kiss her softly when she decided to lay down on her back. Reaching up, she grabbed my face and smiled while we took it slow with each other.  And boy was this fun. Holding her close to me while we kissed each other in bed...I could already tell that Gabby as feeling a lot better compared to how she felt last night.

Gabby's POV:As I felt Matt kiss me slowly while holding me in bed, I couldn't help but smile because this was exactly what I needed right now

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Gabby's POV:
As I felt Matt kiss me slowly while holding me in bed, I couldn't help but smile because this was exactly what I needed right now. I just needed him to lay down on top of me and hold me in his arms. Moving my hand to his neck, I smiled while she kissed each other. "You are positive that Antonio said that he is going to watch the kids today right? I don't want the rug to be pulled out from under us right when I am starting to get excited to go out with you." Matt just smiled.

"While I was downstairs, Antonio said...and I quote, 'I have Louie and the babies today'." I smiled when he said that before hearing Antonio come into our room. "Yes, I do. So stop sucking each other's faces and come downstairs so that you can have breakfast. Then, you guys are going to get out of here and just go relax. Be normal for a while and just have fun. Go see your friends Gabby!" Turning to look at Antonio when he said that, I smiled at him. "You mean it?"

Antonio nodded and smiled when I asked him that. "Yes Gabby, I mean it. Now are you guys just going to stay in bed for a while? Because I can take these pancakes somewhere else." Matt then turned to look at him. "The babies are downstairs with you already right?" Antonio nodded and smiled when he asked him that. "Yeah, why?" Matt then smiled at him. "How about you put the breakfast tray on the table? Then you can go downstairs while we have breakfast in bed?"

Antonio nodded and smiled when I asked him that. "That sounds like a great way to start this day. Bring it down when you leave. I am not going anywhere and I am ready to start watching your kids whenever you need me to." We both agreed with him when he said that and smiled. "Thanks Tonio." Antonio smiled when I said that before going to walk away so that be and Matt could eat breakfast alone in bed. Moving to sit up, Matt just smiled at me.

"That was nice of him to agree to watch the kids for us." I nodded and smiled at him. "You asked him to watch the kids already...I know you did Matt." Matt laughed and nodded as he went to grab my hand. Intertwining our fingers, he smiled at me. "You need time with me. So we are going to eat, you are going to get ready...and then we are going to explore our new home." I agreed with him and smiled. "Just not near the hospital okay?" Matt nodded and agreed with me as he went to start eating breakfast with me that morning.

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