Chapter 691

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An hour later when Matt & Gabby have eaten:
Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished having breakfast, I watched as Gabby went to get dressed in our master bathroom. Seeing she was wearing her hiking boots, some jeans and a tight shirt, I smiled as I went to walk up behind her. Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled as I went to hold her in my arms. "How are you feeling this morning after yesterday? I mean to ask." Gabby sighed when I asked her that. "I am doing okay based on what we went through."

I sighed when she said that because I knew what that meant. Gabby was still struggling when it came to dealing with the fact that she was never pregnant. Turning around to look at me, Gabby got close to me before going to wrap her arms around my waist. Moving my hand to her neck, I went to kiss her softly because I wanted to make her feel better. "You know that if I could go back and change the results of yesterday...I would do it in an instant. You know that right babe?"

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to wrap her arms around me. Holding her close, I just went to grab the back of her head while sighing. "I love you and I am so glad that we are going out today on a date. We need to get out of the house and we need to get out of bed." Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "You said it...not me." I nodded and smiled when she said that before leaning back and doing to kiss her softly. "I love you so much."

I smiled when she said that before going to grab my toothbrush so that I could brush my teeth. I then smiled when I got a text from Hermann. I went to check it and smiled. "Oh thank god." Gabby then looked at me as she went to grab her toothbrush. "What?" I then smiled. "Hermann and Cindy aren't bringing the kids to our vow renewal. They are staying in Chicago." Gabby smiled when I said that. "God, I was so worried about that. I mean, I love the kids but..."

I just looked at her. "They would have stressed you out if they brought them." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Oh definitely. To know that they are not bringing them is a huge weight off my shoulders that I didn't even know that I was carrying." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "I am glad that it is. I want you to be the least stressed as possible around the time of our vow renewal. So please do not be afraid to lean on our friends."

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to set her toothbrush down. Spitting the toothpaste out, Gabby then went to grab her hair brush and started to brush her hair. "I promise, I am going to lean on them. Especially Stella and Sylvie. Just remind me to go easy on Sylvie considering she's pregnant." I sighed when she said that. "Does it hurt to see her pregnant?" Gabby then turned to look at me and bit her lip. "I haven't seen her yet so, I am not sure...I'll let you know."

I sighed when Gabby said that because I was worried about it. I was not ready to have Gabby break down the minute she sees Sylvie pregnant with our niece or nephew. Maybe I should ask Antonio if he can move out based on the new scenario. I mean...he would understand that it was for Gabby right? You know what, I am not going to stress about this when we haven't even spoken about it. Right now, I am going on a date with Gabby and that's all that matters.

Finishing up with brushing my teeth, I went to spit and then set my toothbrush down too. I then went to look in my vanity cabinet to get my colognes out. I then smiled before turning to look at Gabby. "Which one do you want today?" Gabby then looked at them and smiled. "Calvin Klein. That one is the one I bought you on your birthday this year." I nodded and agreed with her as I went to spray a bit on my wrist. "Here, just make sure before I dose myself with it."

Gabby agreed and went to smell. She then smiled and nodded. "Yes. Please also wear that cologne on the day of our vow renewal. It'll make me go crazy that night." I laughed and agreed with her. "I am not going to push you okay? We'll see what happens okay. If you want to go far that night...I am not going to stop you. But based on what has happened recently, I am not going to make you do anything that you aren't comfortable with okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "You know that you are amazing right?"

I then went to kiss her cheek and smiled. "I love you too. Now, we starting with the charity office?" Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "Yeah, I want to go see them. And I want to sign up again. We need to get the forms and stuff." I then thought about that. "You want to go do that right now?" Gabby thought about that and nodded. "Yeah, we can get the process started. At least then, we can start working right when we are ready to work." I agreed.

"I am probably going to try and concentrate on the building projects. After all, I did bring my tools." Going to grab my razor...I went to shave quickly. I didn't want to have much of a beard/mustache on the day of our vow renewal so I had to make sure I shaved on a regular basis. "Make sure you get the side of your face this time." I nodded and agreed as Gabby went to put some of her perfume on. She then went to rub my back and just smiled as she walked out of the bathroom. "I am going to go get ready and say goodbye to the kids okay?" I nodded.

"Sure thing, go ahead and do that. I will be right down." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her to do that. Meanwhile, I went to finish shaving before our date.

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