Chapter 639

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"Ask me that again on September 11, 2021" -Jay Halstead

Matt's POV: When Jay brought up the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him considering how hard that day must be for him. That day was what led to him going to war in Afghanistan for our country. And to still be dealing with the repercussions after 20 years is just horrible.  "You know, I don't think I've ever put this together but...I think that the people of New York have it easy when it comes to memories of 9/11 compared to you guys." Jay was confused when I said that. "Okay, tread lightly there Casey. That is a big statement."

I sighed when he said that. "Just hear me out. The citizens of Manhattan have to deal with with the thoughts of watching the planes crash into the building yes...but you have to deal with that as well as everything that you saw in the aftermath. What you saw in Afghanistan is stuff that us as firefighters and the citizens of New York City, Washington, New Jersey and Pennsylvania will never understand. You had to go to war and really kill people. You had to watch people die in front of you. That must've been hard. I know when I was a firefighter...I hated the sounds."

Jay sighed when I said that and agreed with me. "Okay, you are so right when it comes to that. I really didn't know how that was going to go. But I can see why you say that." I agreed with him. "Plus, you remember 9/11 both for the attacks and for it being the day you were called to go overseas. By the way, what are your thoughts on the Iraq War? I know that it's probably a hard topic for you but...are you pro- or anti-Iraq war?" Jay bit his lip and then looked at me. "Ask me as a soldier, I am pro because I have to follow the orders of my commander-in-chief."

Severide agreed with him when he said that. "Honestly, I already knew what Matt was asking and I completely get why he asked that. It's hard to deal with it sometimes. You know, that brings up memories of Boden. You remember what we did the week before your impromptu wedding man?" I laughed and agreed with him. "Yeah, we were in New York City at Ground Zero. It was a somber feeling. I actually went up 1 WTC in December 2018 when Gabby had a fundraising even up there. It was amazing. Then, we went to sleep in a nice New York hotel."

Jay nodded when I said that. "Nice place, I loved it." I agreed with him. "I surprised her. But honestly, it was fun. The best part was when I arrived. I made sure to get her away from those Trump boys." Jay laughed when I said that. "Eric and Donald, Jr. were there?" I nodded when he said that. "By the way, so much for family values. He divorced his wife to date this crazy cook from FOX News." Severide then looked at us both. "Okay, your opinions on this crazy re-instatement thing." Jay just laughed. "Yeah, that isn't happening."

I then agreed with him. "The day Trump gets re-instated is the day that I divorce Gabby." That's when I heard Antonio walk up behind me. "What's this about divorcing Gabby when she's pregnant again?" I then turned to look at him and got nervous. "Okay, you didn't here the entire phrase. We were talking about the whole Trump re-instatement conspiracy. I said 'The day Trump gets re-instated is the day that I divorce Gabby.' And since I never plan on divorcing Gabby..." Antonio then agreed with me. "Okay, I get it. Sorry for even thinking that man."

I then looked at him. "So, what are you doing here?" Antonio then came to give me a water bottle. "From Gabby. She said to always bring one when you go to the beach from now on. Based on what happened on your need to always bring one to the beach while you are here understood?" I agreed with him. "Thanks man. By the way, that conversation does NOT get back to Gabby.." Antonio laughed and agreed. "I am going back to help take care of the kids. You make sure to talk about your mental health." I agreed with him. "We are man." 

Antonio then went to walk back home. Meanwhile, I took a drink of water before setting my water down in the sand. "Now, where were we?" Severide then laughed. "We are not talking about that again since it just about got you in trouble with Antonio." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "By the way Jay and Severide, you need to help me control my father-in-law. He is going to stress Gabby out and we don't need that." They both agreed with me and smiled. "Just curious, you guys are done after this right?"

I nodded when Severide asked me that. "Believe me, we are done. I am getting trimmed again and Gabby is getting sterilized so that she can never have kids again. She is also getting all of her eggs taken out and she is going to donate them. So, it'll be physically impossible for us to get pregnant again. And thank god because this is going to be expensive." Jay nodded when I said that. "Then we should live together while we are here. Split the costs and everything. We can build our own place here." Jay looked at me when I said that.

"That'd be cool. We'd have like mini-apartments but a shared living space?" I nodded and smiled. Severide then looked at me. "Okay, be honest with me man...has Jay become your new best friend or something?" I turned to look at him. "Awh, is Severide jealous?" Severide then laughed. "Dude, I am going to be happy for you if you decide to make him your best friend while you are down here. And just to let you know, me and Stella have just decided to elope." I was actually quite shocked when Severide said that. "What?"

Severide nodded. "Yeah. With me becoming Battalion Chief, we just don't have the time to do it. Plus, you are here and..." I just looked at Severide when he said that. "Severide, I will fly to Chicago with Gabby to go to your wedding. Don't even think about that. Jay is going to come too right?" Jay nodded. "Yeah, I mean if I am invited. I know you are good friends with Erin so, I am assuming that you are going to invite us." Severide nodded and agreed with him. "Yes, me and Stella were going to invite you guys to our wedding." 

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