Chapter 617

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Gabby's POV: After spending the past hour making love to Matt, I smiled as I woke up with his arm wrapped tight around my waist. I loved it when he held me in his arms like this because it made me feel safe. And honestly, that was what I wanted right now. After all the horrible stuff that has happened to us in the past couple months (excluding the birth of our kids)...I hoped that this would be the chance for things to turn around. That and I needed to go on a real honeymoon with him. Sure, we went on a 72 hour honeymoon while I was pregnant (the first time) but...I needed time alone with him. We could go somewhere private and just be alone in a private home on the beach. No kids, no family...just me and my husband. We both needed it. That's when I felt Matt kiss my back. "Hey, I can feel you heartrate rising. You're thinking."

I then sighed while going to roll over in his arms. "I was just thinking about how stuff has been non-stop crazy for us recently. I am scared that this has had a really hard time on your mental health Matt. I am just really worried for you." Matt nodded when I said that before feeling me rub his cheek. "I know but, I am okay for now." I nodded when he said that before slip close to him. Wrapping my arms around his back, I went to kiss him softly while he put his hand on my arm. "Talk to me Gabby." I sighed and looked at him. "How are you doing Matt? You must be really sad that we lost the firehouse. And now all this has happening...I am worried about your mental health. How are you doing babe? And be honest with me...please don't lie to me."

Matt sighed and looked at me. "I feel like we need to get out of here. I need time with my girl." I nodded when he said that and went to kiss him softly. "I feel the same way." Matt nodded and agreed with me. "Here's the thing though...the triplets are only 3 weeks old. Are you really ready to leave them alone for a week or two? I know that is a long time but...I feel like that's what I need. A week to grieve Boden and another week to get past what just happened." I bit my lip when he said that when I heard a knock on the door. Turning around, I looked at my mom and smiled when I saw she had food. "Thought you guys might be hungry." I nodded when she said that while covering us both up. "Thanks mom We might just stay in here today. Can you..."

She nodded and smiled when I said that. "Of course. You need a break." Matt then went to look at me. "Listen Camila, I know this is going to sound crazy but...I was just thinking that, with everything that was gone on in this past year...Boden dying, the hard delivery the first time around, us loosing our home, the firehouse and stuff...I was just talking to Gabby about us maybe going away together. Just the two of us on a honeymoon. Would you be okay if we do that? I know it's a lot to task to take care of 6 kids but...I feel like after all we have been through, we just need time alone without any kids or anything. Time where we can be together, recharge and reconnect." Camila while when I asked her that. "Matt, I think that sounds lovely."

Gabby then looked at her mom. "Mom, if you are just saying this...I understand if you don't mean it." That's when my mom came to join the conversation. "What are you talking about?" Camila then turned to look at my mom. "Matt was just asking me if he can take Gabby on a 2 week honeymoon after everything that they have been through. I thought that sounded like a lovely idea. That way they can reconnect. I however volunteered us both to take care of the 6 kids. Are you okay that I did that?" My mom laughed when Camila said that. "Of course I am going to help take care of the babies. You just pump a whole bunch Gabby and we will do the rest. Gabby, you haven't been able to rest since you gave deserve some R&R."

I then went to look at Matt . "And we are just a phone call away. I will get an international package on my phone. They call us and we are going to be on the next plane home...I promise babe. We can spend a week in the Bahamas and another in Puerto Rico." Matt knew that the idea of us spending a week in Puerto Rico would get me to say yes immediately. I smiled when he said that before rolling over in my arms. "God, you are good at that. Yes, I am going to agree to you taking me on a honeymoon. But, I am not waiting. I think we need to get out of here ASAP." I then turned to look at our moms. "How fast do you guys need to get settled?" My mom then laughed. "You book it and we will figure out the rest." I agreed with her and smiled at Matt.

Matt then went to look at our moms. "Do you mind if we talk about this more just the two of us? Also, we are not dressed appropriately. If the kids need us, give us a call. But Gabby will start pumping okay? I want to take her away ASAP." Wrapping my arms around Matt as we held each other close, I nodded and agreed with him. "Yes, while we are booking our honeymoon." Our moms then both smiled at us while walking out of our room to go be with the kids. Meanwhile, Matt just looked down at me before kissing me softly. "This is going to be great. Just the two of us in the Bahamas and Puerto Rico." I laughed and agreed with him.

Putting my hand on his neck, I smiled while kissing my amazing husband slowly

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Putting my hand on his neck, I smiled while kissing my amazing husband slowly. "We going to go visit my friends in Puerto Rico or are we just going to go visit and be tourists?" Matt then smiled as he looked into my eyes. "We are going to go visit your friends and we are going to see what amazing work you did." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "I expect a bunch of sex while we are on vacation. Sorry but, you are too good." Matt smirked when I said that. "Well of course I am good, I am your husband and have learned just how you like having me in bed." I laughed when he said and that and nodded as we took it slow with each other for a bit longer. "I changed my mind, Bahamas only." Matt nodded and agreed with me. "Whatever you want."

I agreed with him and smiled as I went to play with his ear, really in love with him. "I love you." Matt just smiled at me. "I love you too and we are going to have fun, I promise." I nodded and agreed with him as I brought him in for another kiss, taking it slow with him as we just relaxed in bed with each other that afternoon. But boy was I ready to go on a was overdue.

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