Chapter 697

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished breakfast, Louie decided that he wanted to cuddle up to Gabby instead. And I was fine with that because it gave me a chance to cuddle up to one of the babies. Going to get up, Gabby looked at me. "Sit your ass back down." That's when I heard Severide come in. "Did he try to get up?" I then sighed. "I want to cuddle up to Ethan." Severide then looked at me and nodded. Walking over to the cribs, he went to pick him up and smiled. "God, I swear...this guy is your twin." I nodded and agreed with him as he walked over to me.

Going to lay him down on my chest, Severide smiled as I automatically wrapped my arm around him and then kissed his head. "I swear, you love all of your kids equally don't you?" I nodded and smiled. "My favorite is whichever one is cuddling up to me at the moment." Gabby then went to slap my arm when I said that. "That isn't true. Your favorite is either Hannah or Abby depending on which one is on your chest." Severide then smiled as he decided to get both Abby and Andy for us. "Here, you guys should keep the triplets close to you." I agreed with him.

I smiled when he said that. "Can you bring the cribs closer to us them? I am sure that Gabby will let me sit up to set them down in the cribs?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "Of course I will." I nodded and smiled when she said that. Severide then proceeded to bring all of the cribs close to me. However, he was helped with the last one by Gallo. "Hope you don't mind if I came to say hi. I have been meaning to come say hi for a while." I smiled when Gallo said that and nodded. "Of course I don't mind. I would love to catch up with my personal recruit." 

Gallo laughed when I said that. "Just curious, while we are it Chief or Severide?" Severide then smiled when he asked that. "It's Severide." Gallo nodded and agreed with him. "Of course. Thanks." Severide then looked at me. "Call me on my phone if you need anything." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. Meanwhile Gallo just looked at me and was a bit nervous. "Do you mind if I sit at the end of your bed? I wouldn't mind talking about some of the rumors we have been hearing at the house." I then sighed and agreed.

Going to sit down, Gallo just looked at me. "But first, I am going to ask this to both of are you guys doing after the car accident?" Gabby sighed and looked at him. "I am just glad we are alive. I was scared." Gallo nodded and agreed with her. "Same here. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Matt to talk to. I hope you don't mind if I ever call you every once and a around the anniversary?" I agreed with him. "Of course Gallo, you can always call me for advice. Just maybe do it in the afternoon, time difference." He agreed with me.

Gallo then looked at me. "And I hope this isn't too intrusive is your mental health? I heard things going around about the reason you had to quit. It was either quit or be fired?" I sighed when he said that. "That I can't officially confirm but...I think that was the situation I was in but...the real reason I resigned is because of my mental health. And I am not going to lie as to the reason why I retired. I retired because I have PTSD. And that disqualifies you from being a firefighter in Chicago. The only exception is if you are a war veteran."

Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "Really?" I nodded. "If you go to war, you are guaranteed to have PTSD. But if you want to serve in the CFD...they give you a pass. Only if it gets worse are you required to retire." Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "That makes sense when you think about it." I nodded and smiled when I said that. That's when Louie looked up at Gabby. "Mommy, what is PTSD?"

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