April 2nd, 2021

36 0 0

Honeymoon Day #1 - 5:30 AM
Matt's POV: As I finish packing my second suitcase for our 3-week honeymoon, I smirked as I went to grab the suitcase that I am bringing today. What Gabby doesn't know though is that I have all of my clothes for the 2nd two weeks in this bag I am carrying. The only reason that I need to pack a second bag is because I have a surprise for her. We are going to be staying an extra week after we do a vow renewal in Puerto Rico in front of our friends and family. Antonio is going to bring the kids for a week and we are going to have a bunch of fun. But first, alone time.

Walking into the master bathroom behind Gabby, I smiled at her. "Only a few more hours until we are in paradise and relaxing together." Gabby smiled when I said that before turning around to look at me. "I am so glad that we are going to Puerto Rico after. That is the only way I am going to be comfortable going without the kids for 2 weeks." I nodded and smiled at her. "Actually, the kids are going to join us for a week. We are going to do 1 week alone in the Bahamas...1 week in Puerto Rico with the family...and then another week alone in Puerto Rico."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "I think that is perfect honestly. As much as I wanted to say I Was okay with not seeing the kids for 2 weeks, I am glad that you moved it so that we are seeing the kids in the middle. That is going to be fun." I nodded when she said that. "And long overdue. We are going to enjoy the trip. And we are going to be able to have a lot of fun considering we both know that we are safe when it comes to not being able to have kids." Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. Picking her up, I went to set her down on the counter and kissed her.

Putting her hands on my chest, Gabby smiled as she held me close to her. "You know that I am crazy for you right and that you are the light of my world. Well, other than the kids." I nodded when she said that and smiled at her. "I know Gabby, and believe me when I say this...we are going to have an amazing time." That's when I heard Antonio come upstairs. "Hey guys, I made you breakfast." I then groaned and went to turn my head. "Not now Antonio. I am in the middle of talking to Gabby in the washroom. By the way, phone calls are for emergencies only."

Antonio then laughed. "Wow, can't even wait until you are on your honeymoon to have sex." I then went to walk over to the door and looked at him. "By the way, while you are living here with our kids...you and Sylvie don't do shit! I know our moms said that they are going to need a break one day during the trip so I expect you to take over for a night if they need a break." Antonio nodded when I said that. "Of course Matt, I promise that I am going to help with Louie, the twins and the triplets. In fact, Eva is going to be staying here too and concentrate on Louie."

I smiled when he said that. "That sounds perfect honestly." Antonio nodded and smiled. "Want me to grab any of your bags?" I then looked at Gabby. "I will help him okay?" Gabby smiled when I said that. "Good, I am not done with my makeup." I smiled when she said that before going to walk out so that I could talk to Antonio. "Antonio, come here for a second." He then looked at me confused. Leading him into my closet, I went to lead him to 2 important bags he had to bring to Puerto Rico. Antonio was confused as we walked into my closet. "What?"

I then looked at him and tugged on two bags before whispering to him. "Dress, my dress uniform." He seemed confused when I said that. "What?" I then smiled at him before going to grab my phone. I then went to text him so Gabby didn't hear. It was a surprise after all. 'Vow renewal Puerto Rico on the beach. April 16th with family and friends.' Antonio then looked up at me after reading the text and just smiled at me. He then nodded and smiled as he came to hug me. "I will make sure." That's when Gabby came out and smiled. "Matt, my bag is ready. Yours?" 

Walking out, I smiled at her. "Yes, go downstairs and eat with the kids. Me and Antonio are going to grab our bags." Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. Getting close to me, she went to kiss me softly. "I love you." I smiled when she said that. "I love you too. Now, I will be down in a minute." She agreed with me when I said that before going to go downstairs. I then looked at him and smiled. "You say or forget anything and you are uninvited from my Bachelor Party." Antonio nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "Understood Matt." I smiled when he said that.

"Now, let's get my things downstairs. I need to have breakfast, say goodbye to the kids and then we are on our way to O'Hare. Our flight is at 9. That is why we are awake at 5:30." He agreed with me when I said that and then turned to look at him. "Dress uniform okay? Not suit." I then decided to text everybody.

Text to Severide, Jay, Cruz, Gallo and Jay
Remember that when you guys come down to our vow renewal that you are to bring your dress uniform for the wedding. No suits. We are all wearing our dress uniforms!

I didn't expect any texts back so I just put my phone in my pocket as I made my way downstairs with Antonio.

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