Chapter 694

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2 Hours Later - Hospital
Matt's POV: As I wake up in the hospital in San Juan, I can tell that somebody was wrong since I was shirtless in bed. Looking around I was confused. That's when I realized I was hooked up to monitors. But what was worse was that I couldn't see Gabby anywhere. Getting scared, I started to look at around when I heard Severide. "Hey man, calm down and relax. You can't move." I then looked at him. "Where's Gabby? Please don't tell me that something bad happened." He then looked at me and nodded before going to grab my hand. "You were in a car accident."

I then looked at him and teared up. "Man, please tell me she isn't..." Stella then spoke up. "Nope, she's fine Matt. Just take a breath and calm down. Antonio is here too, he just went to update your families." I nodded when he said that. "Is Gabby awake?" Stella then shook her head. I got worried when she said that before going to try and get up but Severide shook his head. "Don't make me get the doctor. I told him to get the sedation ready because I knew this would happen." I sighed when he said that. That's when I saw someone I recognized. 

"Hi, my name is Dr. Logan. I see you just woke up Mr. Casey. How are you?" I then sighed. "Vincent, can you do me a favor and check on my wife for me? I am fine, believe me...I am more worried about Gabby." Vincent then looked at me before going to check my name. "Oh god, Matt Casey...husband of Gabriela Casey?" I nodded when he said that. "Yeah, she's just over there." He then nodded and agreed before going to check on her more me. Severide was just confused when I said that. "Okay, how does he know Gabby?" I then sighed.

"He's the Chief Medical Advisor to the Emergency Disaster and Relief Global Aid Organization." Severide agreed with me when I said that. "Yet you sent him to Gabby first?" I then sighed. "I am fine." That's when Antonio came back. "And you are lucky you are fine. But your leg isn't fine. Where's the doctor?" I then sighed. "I sent Vincent to the room next door where Gabby is." Antonio nodded because he knew why I did that. "Can you talk to him and see if he can get Gabby in here? If I can't walk...I want to be close to her so we can hold hands at least."

Antonio nodded when I said that. "I think your doctor will be able to help you since you are friends. By the way, the Firehouse is on it's way. They are all worried." I looked at him when he said that. "I guess that means I am going to have to deal with that former Desk Sergeant of yours." Antonio then remembered that she was married to Mouch and groaned. "Oh god, I forgot about that. Can I just say that she is a bitch?" Severide then looked up at him. "You can do it behind her back but not when I am in the room." Antonio was confused when he said that.

"She's my contact at the district. Do not screw that up for me!" That's when I heard the doctor at the door. "Gentlemen, you are going to need to move so that we can do something for Matt." Antonio nodded and agreed and smiled. "You already talked to him didn't you?" Antonio nodded. "I knew that was going to be the case." Antonio and Severide then went to move out of the way. I then smiled when I saw them roll Gabby's bed into my room. "Okay, I would prefer if she was in the same bed at me. But this is okay." Dr. Logan laughed. "Sorry, broken leg."

I then sighed. "Then I am moving over to her bed. I am going to hold her close to me." He nodded and agreed. "Fine, we will help her move into your bed. I mean, it's inevitable that you guys are going to want to hold each other." I nodded when he said that and smiled. "Thanks Dr. Logan." Gabby then looked at me. "How are you doing?" I then smiled. "Better now that I Know that you are safe and okay. I am going to be even better when you are back in my arms." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. The doctors then went to help her.

"Here Gabby. Just jump on your good leg and watch your arm, it doesn't need to be in a split but you can't move it too much." We both nodded when he said that. Watching as Gabby got into the bed with me, I sighed as she came to cuddle up to me because this was not where I wanted to be right now. "Your mom is already on her way with some comfortable clothes that you can change into Matt okay?" Dr. Logan nodded. "We'd like to keep you overnight for observation. I know it's early but...we know about your history with PTSD. So, we'd just like to be cautious. Gabby..."

Gabby then looked at Dr. Logan. "Is not moving. Me and Matt made a deal. If one of us is in the hospital, then both of us are in the hospital. We do not leave each other's that understood?" Dr. Logan nodded and agreed, seemingly underestimating just how serious Gabby was when she said that. But one person that didn't underestimate that was someone we knew personally. "Oh, I can believe that is going to be the truth." Gabby then smiled when she saw one of our friends from Puerto Rico walk in. "How are you Cristiano?" 

Severide then looked at me. "I knew it! You didn't meet Cristiano Ronaldo!" I laughed when he said that. Gabby however was confused. "What is he talking about?" I then smiled. "I told him that I met Cristiano in Puerto Rico. He's the one that assumed it was Ronaldo...I never said that last name." Severide then nodded and agreed. Cristiano however just laughed. "How are you guys doing? Guess we can't count on you guys to volunteer with us anytime soon." Gabby sighed. "Unfortunately now. We might be stuck in bed for a while."

Dr. Logan nodded. "More like 2 months." Gabby then looked at me when he said that. "But our vow renewal is Saturday!" I nodded when she said that and sighed before going to kiss her softly. "We will figure this out Gabby. Heck, I can renew my vows right here in bed." Gabby then shook her head. "Not happening. You promised me a vow renewal on the beach! I am getting a vow renewal on the beach next weekend!" I sighed when she said that before turning to look at her. "Maybe we can bring the beach to us in our room?"

Gabby turned to look at me and shook her head. "We are delaying the vow renewal. I am not doing it in bed." I sighed when she said that. "Babe, we are doing it next weekend. Everybody is going to be here." Gabby then sighed and agreed with me. "When are people getting here anyways?" Antonio then looked at us both. "I spoke to Platt. She is going to charter the CPD plane and fly everybody here. So, they will be here tonight. You are going to be resting in bed." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Sorry for the non-dream wedding."

Gabby shook her head. "My dream wedding is with you and the kids." I nodded when she said that. "I am still wearing my suit however we do it." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that, kissing me softly as we laid down in the hospital bed together.

NOTE: I am going to do a 72 hour time jump. Everybody from the firehouse will be there. (They flew in after hearing about the car accident).

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