Chapter 722

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Matt's POV: When Gabby asked me whether I was ever scared to find out that she was pregnant after I came to visit her in Puerto Rico (since we always had sex)...I just signed because I wasn't going to lie to her about the answer to that question. Of course I was scared. There was a fricken aneurysm in her which could have killed her. And knowing that Gabby was okay with taking the risk...I was scared that she would go ahead and hide the pregnancy from me instead of doing what she did...come back to tell me that we are expecting our first child together.

I looked at her when she said that before going to grab her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I just bit my lip. "Complete honesty right?" Gabby nodded and sighed. "Of course." I nodded and then went to rub her hand. "I am not going to say that it was never not on my mind. Gabby, we both know that you were the one who was willing to put your life on the line to get pregnancy and give us a baby. Of course, this was me being mad at the time but...yes, it did cross my mind." 

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to set her pad of paper down. She then went to cuddle up to me and wrapped her arms around my torso. Wrapping my arm around her back, I went to kiss her head and just sighed. "Gabby, I am so sorry for feeling that way. I was just really scared at the time. You have no idea how scary it was to think that I might go to sleep one morning as a married man...and wake up the next morning as a widow without saying goodbye."

Gabby looked up at me when I said that before going to rub my chest. "Why didn't you ever tell me that Matt? I would've done something to help reassure you that you were okay. I would've called more often or something. I am no sure what...but I would've done something. I hate the idea of you going to bed each and every night wondering whether you were still going to be a married man the next morning. So for that Matt, I am really sorry." I nodded and agreed with her, kissing her forehead as we held each other close in bed. "It's why I was okay visiting here."

Rolling over onto my chest, Gabby wrapped her arms around me and just put her iPad to the side while putting her head on my shoulder. Cuddling up to me, I felt Gabby wrap her arms around my torso. Tearing up a bit, I could tell that Gabby was crying. I then went to rub her back and kissed her forehead softly. "Hey, don't cry. I am right here babe." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to rub her back. "Matt, I am so sorry that you felt that way. Had I known...maybe then I would've came back home." I shook my head when she said that.

"Gabby, don't even say that. This is what you were meant to do. This is your dream life and your dream job. Now, you get to do it with me by your side." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that before going to wrap her arms around me more. Just rubbing her back as I held her close to me, I knew that this was getting hard on her. I then went to run my hand up her shirt and decided to unclip her bra. Gabby smiled when I said that before going to rub my chest and just smiled at me. She then decided to get up and leaped over to the door to lock it.

I smirked when she did that before sitting up and then going to take off my shirt and throwing it away. Doing the same with her shirt as she walked back over to me, I smirked when I saw how sexy Gabby's bra was. "Oh baby."

Gabby smirked when I said that before walking over to me when I was just wearing my boxers

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Gabby smirked when I said that before walking over to me when I was just wearing my boxers. Going to get in my lap once she was back at the edge of the bed, I smirked when I went to put my hands on her back. I then went to look into her eyes before feeling her hands on my neck. "Want me to put a condom on since we know my surgery didn't work?" Gabby then shook her head. "I don't care anymore. I would rather feel all of you making love to me instead of having plastic in between us. It's not as romantic." I agreed with her and smiled at that fact.

I then smiled as I went to kiss her breast. "You are so beautiful Gabby and you have no idea how lucky I feel to have you as my wife. I promise, this is the last time." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that before looking at me. "Same here." I smiled when she said that before nodding as I went to get up and then turned around to lay her down in bed. I then smirked as I went to take off my boxers for me. However Gabby stopped me and sat up so that she could do it for me. I smirked when she did that because it was really attractive.

Once my boxers were off, I smiled as I went to push Gabby down in bed

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Once my boxers were off, I smiled as I went to push Gabby down in bed. Climbing in with her, I smirked as I went to get in bed on top of her. There was nothing more I wanted than to make love to her right now. She was the most gorgeous woman in the world in my eyes and I was for sure going to make sure that she knew that. Bringing her body right against mine, I felt her grab my neck and kiss me softly. "I love you Matt and this is exactly what we need. I know it's going to be crazy but...after our death defying experience. There is nothing more than I want than to expand our family again to celebrate the fact that we still have each other and the kids." I agreed with her when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "I feel the same way Gabby."

Talking it slow with her as I went to put my hand on her neck again, I just smiled because me and Gabby were taking this huge risk. But it was worth it. I loved my wife and we defied the odds and survived a car crash. Us having a baby sounds perfect and just right when it comes to ways that we can celebrate still being alive. "We stick together okay...we do not let anybody change our minds." Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me as we took it slow with each other in bed...hoping to have another child.

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