Chapter 711

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"What about us?" -Christie Casey and Heather Darden

Jay's POV:
When Matt's sisters offered to watch the triplets for us, I was a little shocked considering I would expect them to want to spend time with their brother. Looking at Erin, I shrugged. "You guys sure that you guys aren't going to want to spend time with your brother?" Heather than laughed. "Honestly, their friends want to be with them. Plus, I have seen you guys always been with your kids. With your brother taking care of my brother, I can do you a solid." I laughed when Heather said that and smiled at me. I then turned to look at Erin. "Up to you."

Erin smiled a me when I said that before going to wrap her arms around my neck. "And you guys are positive that it's not a bother. We just haven't gone out for so long and..." They both nodded and smiled when we asked them that. "Listen, Erin right?" She nodded and smiled. "Listen, both of us are moms. Sure, you have 3 of them but...we all know that you need to go on dates sometimes even when you have young children in order to have a healthy marriage." Christie nodded and agreed. "I learned that the hard way when I went through a divorce."

I sighed when she said that because I couldn't help but feel bad for her. "Was it hard?" Christie nodded. "Yeah, Matt was a big help though. He stopped me from being screwed over by my ex." I agreed with her when she said that and smiled. "Well, you have a great brother...we all do because I am positive that Will would've done the same for me." I then turned to look at Erin. "Not that we would ever go through a  divorce. I love you and please don't think that." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "I know babe, relax." 

Christie laughed when we did that. "Let me guess, you guys are still in the honeymoon stage?" We both nodded and smiled. "Yeah, we have only been married for 18 months." I turned to look at Erin when she said that. "Best 18 months of my life." Kissing her neck, I smirked as I went to wrap my arm around her more. God, I loved her so much and I always wanted her to know that. Whatever I could do to make sure she knew that...I was definitely going to do that. And if I could take her out, maybe even overnight that would be better. 

Heather smiled at the both of us. "Believe me when I say this...I'd love to watch your triplets. It gives me practice for when we have to watch Matt and Gabby's kids. I mean, they have more than you and we always do a good job." I agreed with her when she said that. "I am not sure whether it would be overnight or just for the night but...I would have to walk to Erin about that. You want to go overnight or just to supper?" Erin smiled when I asked her that. "Matt and Gabby got their night alone without kids...I think it's our turn. Plus, the FBI didn't give us a big case."

Christie then looked at the both of us. "Want to just go for a night or are you guys going to go for two nights?" Erin then bit her lip. "I think I am only okay doing a night. I am sorry ladies but, I barely know you guys. The only reason I trust you guys is because Will is here. We will tell him that we are going and that he can help you. I do not want to have to rush back early if we don't have to. Honestly, I do not remember the last time that me and Jay went on a proper date." Jay then looked at me. "Listen, you stay here...I am going to see if Will can help at night."

Erin then looked at me. "Why just at night?" I then smiled at her. "I want to go for more than a night. Erin, we haven't been alone since the triplets were born. We need to go for a couple nights okay? And I am not taking no for an answer. How about you get up and go an pack?" I nodded and smiled before watching as Jay got out. "C'mon Champ!" He then went to run in with me and smiled . 

Erin's POV:
Once Jay got out and went inside to talk to Will, I smiled as I went to get out too. "So his brother is going to be able to help you guys out. Now, I am sure we are going to end up bringing our dog since he is Jay's service dog." Christie looked at me when I said that. "Do you mind me asking why he has the service dog? Bad shootout or something?" I then shook my head. "Afghanistan war veteran...two tours of duty with the intelligence division of the Illinois National Guard. He has PTSD." 

They both nodded when I said that. "Was it hard being away from each other?" I then laughed. "Oh no, we didn't get together until he was back in Chicago." They both agreed with me. "Still, you are going to get a night to yourselves. Go get changed girl and pack some clothes. And make sure you wear something sexy or else women will steal your husband. Sorry but he is gorgeous." I laughed and smiled as they both said that. "Don't I know it!" I then smiled as I went to grab my towel, wrapping it around me to head inside.

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