Chapter 634

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Gabby's POV: As I walked over to the door, I couldn't help but smile at who was standing there. It was a good friend of mine and literally the person we needed to talk to right now. "How are you Fr. Golanzo?" Fr. Golanzo smiled as he came to hug me. I then turned to look at Matt. "Matt, this is Fr. Juan Pedro Golanzo. He is the spiritual advisor to the Emergency Disaster and Relief Global Aid Organizations' Puerto Rico operations." Fr. Golanzo smiled and nodded. "This must be your husband Gabriela." I nodded and smiled as Matt got up. "Hi, Matt Casey. How are you father?"

Fr. Golanzo then went to shake Matt's hand and smiled. "Glad to have this one here back in Puerto Rico. How long are you guys staying?" I then looked at him before turning to look at Matt. "We haven't talked about that but, we are not leaving without doing a bit of volunteering. However, I want you to meet somebody Fr. Golanzo." I then went to lead him towards the play pen we had in there. "These are the babies I was pregnant with when I left Puerto Rico. Their names are Hannah Maria and Gabriel Matthew Casey." He then smiled I said that. "Adorable."

I then went to lead him to the cribs. "And over here, we have Abigail, Andrew and Ethan." Matt smiled when I said that. "Gabby, go ahead and tell him. I know that you want someone to pray for you. Who better than the local priest?" Fr. Golanzo seemed confused when Matt said that but I just smiled. "And Fr. Golanzo, I want to introduce you to our 7th and final child." Matt then walked up behind me and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. "We are done after this of course." Fr. Golanzo smiled and agreed. "I am so happy for you Gabby, this is amazing."

I nodded and smiled at him. "We are going to be in Puerto Rico for the next year so please do not be a stranger. However...I would love it if you did us a favor." Fr. Golanzo then looked at me. "You still haven't baptized your children?" Matt then looked at me. "Oh that reminds me, where's Louie? We didn't introduce you to our adoptive son." I then turned to look at him and smiled. Meanwhile Fr. Golanzo just looked at me. "Now the 7th child makes sense. I only counted five." Matt then went to the door. "Louie!" Louie then came running from his room. "Yes daddy?"

Matt then smiled as he bent down, picking Louie up in his arms. "Hey bud, I want to introduce you to one of mommy's friends from down here in Puerto Rico. His name is Fr. Golanzo. He is a priest here." Louie then went to cuddle up to Matt because he was a little shy around here recently. "Sorry Fr. Golanzo, he has been shy recently around new people here in Puerto Rico. He has always lived in Chicago...heck, so have I. So this is a whole new world." Fr. Golanzo nodded and agreed with Matt when he said that. "Well, welcome to Puerto Rico."

I then smiled at him. "Actually, there is a reason why we are here. We are actually going to be doing a vow renewal next Saturday. Now, I don't expect you to come but..." Fr. Golanzo just smiled. "Would you like me to officiate the wedding?" I was shocked when he said that but just turned to look at Matt. "We were going to do it on the beach. But if we can do a Catholic beach wedding, I wouldn't be opposed to that." Fr. Golanzo smiled when we said that. "I would love to do that. Anyways, weddings are not yet permitted inside." I agreed with him. "COVID."

Matt agreed with him. "And Gabby is pregnant so, I would rather not take the risk." Fr. Golanzo nodded and agreed with Matt. "Okay, so we can do it outside. You guys just plan the wedding and I will show up to officiate." Gabby smiled and agreed with him. "It's the 24th at 2 pm. The beach behind the house." Fr. Golanzo smiled and agreed. "Of course. Now, are we thinking of just doing it in Spanish or bilingual?" I then turned to look at Matt. "Can we do it bilingually? I would like that for our wedding. I mean..." Matt just smiled and nodded. "Of course."

That's when I heard Antonio come upstairs. "Hey Matt, there's a delivery here at the door for you. From a Crystal Diamonds?" I then looked at him and smiled. "Great, they said it would be here right on time!" I looked at him confused when he said that. "What?" Matt then smiled at me. "Let's just say that you are getting some diamonds on our vow renewal day. But you are not going to wear that special ring on our day. I want to bless our rings so, we are going to have to take them off." Fr. Golanzo agreed. "We can do that. You are already married so, makes sense."

Matt smiled when Fr. Golanzo said that. "Thank you so much father. Now, I am going go downstairs. Be back soon Gabby." I then smiled as I went to make my way downstairs to get the beautiful Diamond necklace I bought for Gabby instead of a new wedding band. However, what I didn't expect was for it to be delivered by my best man.

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