Chapter 719

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Back at the house with Matt & Gabby:
Matt's POV: As me and Gabby laid down in bed together while I played solitaire on my iPad, I smiled as I went to look for a new move while thinking that Gabby was sleeping on my chest. However that wasn't the case because she just made a move for me. Looking down at her, I smiled before going to kiss her forehead softly. "That was a good move." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Yeah, I know. I am really good when it comes to that." I just laughed. "You take a nap?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that before smiling at me.

"Yeah, it was nice. Honestly...I didn't know how much I needed to take a nap. I think I have been stressed about how worried I am right now." I nodded when she said that. "Want to share?" Gabby then bit her lip as she looked up at me. "I am just scared that these injuries we have are going to be permanent." I shook my head when she said that and just sighed while kissing her forehead. "That isn't going to happen babe. We are going to recover. We are going to come out of this stronger...and we are going to thrive after our recovery." Gabby just sighed.

"And you aren't at all worried about the fact that this might stop you from being able to run after the kids when you are playing with them in the backyard?" I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to that. Gabby, we are going to do a whole bunch of rehab. We are also going to have a bunch of help from all of our friends and family here in Puerto Rico. We have a bunch of people on our side because they want to see us recover." That's when I heard Antonio come upstairs, obviously having overheard us.

"I agree with Matt. Sorry for interrupting but...I finally remembered to go to the pharmacy at the hospital. I got your pain medications so that you guys have pain relief if you guys need it." Gabby nodded when he said that and smiled at him. "Thanks Antonio." Antonio then smiled as he went to set the pill bottles down on the side of the table. "Wait, why is it only a few medication?" Antonio then sighed. "I am worried about you Matt. You have had a lot of stuff go bad for you so...I spoke to Will, Natalie and your sisters. We agreed it would be better to limit access."

Gabby then looked at him when he said that. "You realize that I am a paramedic right Antonio? You know that I am never going to let Matt overdose. I can see the signs of chances of overdose. Unfortunately, I just didn't see the signs of his mental health issues." I sighed when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. "Gabby, just relax okay? You are not to blame when it comes to that. You were going under a lot...we all were. Between the pandemic, Boden's death, your premature birth, the street of me being Chief....and then a deputy Commissioner...."

Gabby sighed when I said that and agreed with me. "I understand. But still, I am your wife. I should know if something was off." I agreed with her and sighed before going to kiss her forehead. "Gabby, just please relax and take a breath. You are not to blame when it comes to this. Please just remember that we are both going through mental health issues...heck, our car crash is still playing through my head." Gabby got concerned when I said that and I could tell that she felt bad for me. "Oh babe, I am so sorry." I sighed and agreed with her.

That's when Antonio went to go grab his phone and then decided to text me something. "Check your phone." I was confused when he said that before going to reach for my phone and get it. Going to open what Antonio just sent me before looking at the list. "What's this?" Antonio then sighed. "That is a phone number that you can call if you need some help. I made sure to find some phone numbers that you can call in case you ever need to talk to someone who you don't know. It's an independent organization who provides mental health support to everybody."

I smiled when Antonio said that. "I promise to give them a call whenever I need to. But I just remembered something that we need to talk to you. Do you think maybe you can go get us a snack and then we can talk to you about something we are going to need you to do for us?" Antonio then looked at me. "You mean other than take care of you right now?" I sighed when he said that. "Can you just get us a little snack and then we can talk to you about something?" Antonio nodded and agreed with us before going to walk away to get us some snacks.

One Chicago: Family Life Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora