Chapter 655

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Matt's POV: When Gabby talked to me about whether I was having regrets about going forward with the pregnancy, I was starting to get worried. Why would she doubt whether I Want to have another baby? I love her and us having kids has been what I have always dreamed of. Of course I want to have this baby with her. Doesn't she feel the same way? God, why am I even worrying about this. Of course Gabby isn't worrying about this. She has wanted this since we started this. Right? Or is she just starting to get cold feet. I mean, of course I am going to be on her side.

Stepping close to her as we stood in the bathroom, I went to wrap my arm around her before bringing her against my chest. "Gabby, I am not going to yell at you but...we are not going anywhere until you talk to me okay? So please Gabby, talk to me about where your head is when it comes to this. You asked me whether I am having doubts about us going forward with another baby. But I think the more important question is whether you are having those doubts. Gabby, just tell me the truth okay...I can take it because I already have my dream come true."

Gabby sighed and looked at me. "I am just getting scared that it'll be too much for us and we are going to be able to survive a bit fight if we have one. What if we are so concentrated on giving our kids the best life possible that we end up drifting apart. Matt, that happened in the past when I came here in the first place. We can't let that happen when we have 7 kids because they are going to need both of us all the time. I am going to need you with me at home all the time." I nodded when she said that. "Hey, we are not going to let that happen Gabby. I promise okay?"

Looking at me, Gabby knew I was telling her the truth but, I knew that she still washing convinced. Stepping close to her so that I could hold her in my arms, I went to wrap my arms around her and then kissed her forehead softly. "Gabby, you are my wife and the love of my wife. There is nobody I want to share my life with other than you. Please believe me when I say that. Babe, you are my wife for a have been my wife for almost 5 years now. Don't ever doubt the fact that's what I want you to be for the rest of our lives."

Gabby just nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "Sorry if I am so worried right now. I know that's not good for the pregnancy but..." I just went to push her chin up and shut her up because I didn't want her to feel guilty at all. "Gabby, just take a breath for me and remember that I am not going anywhere. You are the love of my life and there is nobody I would rather be on this crazy journey called our life with." Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me. "God, I am just being stupid and hormonal right now aren't I?" I shook my head.

"You are not being stupid." I then went to grab her hand and intertwined our fingers. "You are just worried about us. You are scared that something is going to happen because we are getting closed to how long we were together all the time before you left to come here the first time." Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "But I am here to tell you that nothing is going to change my mind when it comes to who I want to call my wife for the rest of my life. Now listen, I think what we need right now is to go eat. You hungry?"

Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "Yes, we need to go have breakfast." I smiled when she said that. "Then I think that is the problem. We both know that you always get stressed and start overthinking everything when you get hungry. So here's what we are going to do...we are going to go out, find a place to go have breakfast. Then, we are going to go see your friends at the charity office. How does that sound?" Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "That sounds great. Like the perfect day." I agreed with her.

"Okay then take a breath for me. Then, we are going to get out of here and find a place to go have breakfast. We need to get you eating." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to wrap her arms around my neck. Going to grab her back, I smiled as I held her close to me and kissed her softly. "Or we can start by doing that for a minute." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Later, I am going to want another round." I nodded and agreed with her. "During the day this time?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that.

I smirked when she said that because that sounded amazing. "When we are back, we are also going to take the time to find everything we need to find since we moved here permanently. We need to get you an OB/GYN, a family doctor/pediatrician for the kids, a doctor for us, a dentist for the kids and a dentist for us. And I need to find myself a shrink/counsellor because I am going to continue to work on my mental health. I think we should do that while we are able to be uninterrupted." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled.

"That's a great idea. Now listen, we need to eat before we do that okay?" I smiled and agreed with her as I went to grab her hand (intertwining our fingers at the same time) so that I could take her out for breakfast.

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