Chapter 588

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Jay's POV: After putting my shirt back on, I smiled as me and Erin prepared to make our way downstairs so that I could talk to my brother about him watching the kids at the end of the month. I really hoped that we could go to New York because I thought maybe me and Erin could use it as a mini-honeymoon. I still owe her one so, maybe we can stay a few nights there. But, before I could even talk to Will...I was going to have to wake him up. He was currently fast asleep on the couch with little Justin on his chest. Shaking my head, I smiled at Natalie. "How long?"

Natalie then turned to look at Will and smiled. "I hadn't even noticed honestly." I nodded when she said that and smiled as I went to walk over to my brother. "Will." Will then jumped and woke up, (inadvertently) also waking up Justin. He then looked at me. "Jay, you scared me." I nodded and looked at him. "Here, how about you pass me him and we can talk. We might need a hand at the end of the month." Erin smiled when I said that. "I am going to get the bottles. Don't you dare take's my turn to feed her Jay." I nodded and agreed with her.

Going to sit on our couch, I smiled at Justin. "Hey buddy, it's okay. Daddy's here." I then went to kiss his forehead and smiled at him while putting my feet up. "How have they been?" Natalie then smiled. "Angels. How are you?" I smiled when she asked me that. "Really good. I am feeling much better. However, we are going to need to talk to you guys about something." Will then laughed. "If you think we are watching the triplets without you guys being here...then you are out of your mind." Erin sighed when he said that, coming to give me a bottle for Justin.

"Oh, that was what you were going to ask us about?" I nodded and looked at her. "Not right now but, at the end of the month...Erin's friend is getting this award. She works in New York City and she's the head of the NYPD's Special Victims Unit. We just got invited to go. I was hoping that we could go." Natalie looked at me when I said that and bit her lip. "It'd be a lot for us. Depends whether we are working or not." Will agreed with her. "Yeah, it's also short notice. We don't want to use too much vacation if we don't have to Jay. How long would it be?" I then smiled. "1 night."

Natalie then looked at him. "Well, that's not that hard. You'd leave in the morning and be back the next morning?" I agreed. "Yeah, and we would rush right back if there was anything that you needed." Erin agreed with me when I said that. "Okay, I am going to feed which one of you want to feed Jayson?" I then went to point at Natalie. "My brother is still groggy after waking up from a nap. I would rather Natalie him considering she is wide awake." Natalie nodded when I said that before going to grab the bottle from Erin so she could feed Jayson.

Getting up, she walked over to Jayson's crib and smiled as she went to walk over to the couch to sit next to me. "I swear, this guy looks the most like you Jay." I nodded when she said that. "Exactly why his name is Jayson." Natalie laughed when I said that and just smiled at me. "You love his name don't you?" I nodded and smiled when she asked me that. "Nothing like having your own namesake." She agreed with me when I said that and just smiled as she went to feed Jayson. "So, you guys going to be tourists in New York?" Erin nodded. "Only if we get 2 nights."

Will then looked at Natalie when she said that. "I think we could swing it. I mean, they need to have a bit of fun. We get an escape from kids every day when we go to work...they don't." I laughed when he said that. "Nice way to say that you get to not take care of your stepson." Will then went to correct me. "Son, I adopted him." I smiled when he said that. "Well congratulations, now you just need to make dad a natural grandfather." Will laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Believe me, that's next." Natalie nodded and agreed with him. "Yes, it is. We'll try."

I laughed when he said that. "Great, now you have unleased him Natalie. You do realize that means he is going to want to really try? I know my brother and he wants kids desperately. Why do you think you guys spend so much time here?" Natalie nodded when I said that. "Oh, I already know why we spend so much time here. Will has made it clear that he wants to show me how good of a dad he would be to kids. Let's just hope that the twin or triplet gene didn't pass down to you. I am not sure we could do a toddler and twins or triplets. Sorry Will."

Will nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "I mean, not that you guys aren't going a great job at it." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Relax man, I know what you mean. Just please relax. We are now just talking as a are no longer babysitting. So just sit back, relax...and if you want a beer, there's a whole bunch in the fridge downstairs that I can't drink right now." Erin then looked at me when I said that. "You mean don't want to drink. You did it voluntarily...I never said that you had to stop drinking Jay!" I agreed with her and nodded.

"Oh, I know that. Just remember that I also love you." Erin smiled when I said that. "I love you too. Now concentrate on feeding him." I agreed with her and smiled as I went to feed Justin.

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