Chapter 577

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Matt's POV: After getting back in bed with Gabby, I smiled as I went to grab the bottle I grabbed from the top of the fridge before looking at her as she held Abby in her arms. "My girls together." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to grab the bottle of milk I gave her. I then went to do the same while holding Andy in my arms. That's when I saw Camila come upstairs. Walking right over to us, she smiled as she went to set lunch down on the bed. "Sorry if I am excited to feed one of my new grandkids." Going to grab the bottle from the fridge, she smiled. "God, why must you make the most adorable kids?" I smiled when she said that before going to look at Gabby. "I think you are going to have to ask your daughter that question."

Gabby blushed when I said that and just smiled as she fed Abby with a bottle. "I have no clue why I am feeding her with a bottle. It's a waste of a bottle." I turned to look at her when she said that. "Why?" Gabby then laughed and shook her head. "Babe, this milk comes form my breast. I could have just fed her from my breast." I then thought about that and agreed with her. "Right, I should've thought about that before giving you a bottle." Going to grab my hand, Gabby smiled at me. "It's fine Matt. You are just as tired as I am. There is nothing wrong about giving me a bottle to use. Heck, I think that is what I am going to do in the middle of the night. I am going to be too tired to want to have to take off my shirt multiple times at night."

I then smirked while looking at her. "Well, there is another alternative instead of pumping." Gabby went to slap my chest when I said that. "I swear, you are trouble. You have a dirty mind Casey and I am shocked that your dirty mouth hasn't mad me regret my decision to let you talk this way around our children." I smiled at her when she said that. "You are never going to regret it because as much as you hate also love it because it is a way for me to show you some attention without having to show you attention." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded.

Camila then looked at he both of us. "I swear, you guys still act like kids. I would tell you to stop but...that might mean that my daughter doesn't have that huge smile she currently has on her face anymore." Gabby smiled when he mom said that. "Thanks mom." That's when Gabby saw the wraps that Camila brought upstairs for us. "Can you push the plate closer to me mom? I would like to eat while I am feeding Abby." Camila nodded when Gabby asked her that before going to push the plate that had the wraps on them towards Gabby. 

That's when I decided to grab one myself and just went to take a bite of us. Unfortunately, I took too big of a bite and some of the lettuce ended up falling on Andy's face. Setting my wrap down on the plate again, I went to grab Andy's blanket. "Oh, sorry buddy. I didn't mean for that to happen. Can you forgive me?" I then went to kiss his forehead as I went to continue to feed him. Gabby smiled at me when I did that. "God, I are such a great dad. How was I so lucky when it came to who I chose as my husband and the father to my children?"

I smiled when she asked me that. "I am the lucky one. Let me remind you that you are the one the time, were the one who chose to put your life on the line the give us children. And then the second time, you ended up doing it again." Gabby agreed with me when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "I love you. And after we are done feeding the kids...what do you say you show me how much you love me by giving me a nice massage? My shoulders are tight and I just need some relief. And don't even think I mean that type of relief mister."

I just laughed and smiled when she said that. "Dang, I would've loved to give you that type of relief!" Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Maybe later when the babies are asleep...we can take a bath together." I smiled when she said that and agreed with her. Going to kiss her again, I just smiled and looked into her beautiful eyes. "That sounds perfect." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as we both continued to feed the babies together (with her mom's help).

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