Chapter 669

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Meanwhile, upstairs with Matt, Gabby and the kids:
Matt's POV: As me and Gabby sat in bed, I couldn't help but smile considering we just finished having lunch together. I was now in the middle of holding Gabby close to me and rubbing her leg. Her pregnancy hormones were already starting to come out and I was glad to help her in satisfying them. Rubbing my chest as she laid down against me, Gabby just smiled at me. "You know, this is nice. And that lunch was delicious babe." I smiled and agreed with her. "You are going to ask me about my PTSD aren't you Gabby?" She sighed and nodded. "I was hoping...."

I nodded and understood as I went to kiss her forehead. "It's not that I am trying to hide behind it Gabby but, I am still struggling with the fact that I have PTSD. I want to talk about it with you, I do but...the idea that I have PTSD from being a firefighter scares me. I mean, what does that mean for the future? Does that mean that I am going to have to be on medication...will that affect how I am with the kids? What if the boys want to become firefighters? Will I be okay with that?" Gabby looked at me when I said that and then went to kiss my cheek. "Take a breath."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before turning my head to look at her. Cuddling up to my side more, Gabby smiled as she looked into my eyes and just whispered to me. "You are very comfortable when we are cuddling up to each other like this." I laughed when she said that and agreed with her. "I can say the same about you." She smiled and agreed with me before moving her hand to my stomach. "You are getting hormonal aren't you?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "But we are not doing anything...we both agreed with that."

Looking at Gabby, I was a little nervous to bring this up but...I knew that I had to bring it up eventually. "There is actually something I want to talk to you about." Gabby then looked at me. "If everything okay babe?" I sighed and looked at her. "I just want to talk to you about how you are really feeling when it comes to Antonio and Sylvie having a kid together. Are you going to support Sylvie and your brother or..." Gabby sighed when I asked her that. "I am not sure what I am going to do yet. At the end of the day, it isn't our choice, it's Antonio's choice."

I partially agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Well, not completely. We both know that at the end of the's really Sylvie's choice as to whether we have kids or not. Yes, Antonio can have input but...that doesn't guarantee him the right to tell her not to get an abortion." Gabby looked at me when I said that and was about to argue. "Or do I have to remind you what you said to me when we first found out that you were pregnant with the twins?" Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "You don't have to because I remember what I said."

I nodded and agreed with her. "And me and Antonio were both there, supporting you all along the way during the pregnancy. I think now, if they choose to go ahead with the pregnancy...then we need to do the same thing for him and Sylvie." Gabby agreed with me. "God, this is going to be fun though. Having Sylvie here again is going to be nice. I want to fix our relationship. I know even when we were in Chicago it wasn't the we are going to have to work on it." That's when I heard Louie walk into our room after finishing Lunch. "Daddy, come play with me."

I smiled when he said that. "What do you want to do bud?" Louie then looked at me. "Can we play that board game? Mopoly?" I smiled and agreed with him when he asked me that before going to turn my head. Looking at Gabby, I smiled at her. "You want to join us in a game of Monopoly or do you need to take a nap?" Gabby then sighed. "I am going to do a bit of pumping while you are out there okay? Go play. If the babies are still asleep, I can join you guys and be the banker." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "Walk with the kids later?"

Gabby smiled when I made that suggested and nodded. "I love that idea." I smiled and then went to kiss her softly. "C'mon Louie, let's go get the game set up and we can play." He agreed with me and nodded as he went to run out to play Monopoly with me.

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