Chapter 620

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Matt's POV: Once we finished having breakfast with the kids, I smiled as I looked at Abby since she was currently in my arms. Kissing her forehead, I smiled at her. "You going to be a good girl for your grandma and uncle?" Abby just cuddled up to me and laid her head down on my chest. As hard as it was going to be leaving her, I knew this was the right thing to do for me and Gabby. Kissing her forehead again, I smiled as I went to rub her back. "God, you are so adorable. Why must you make it so hard to want to leave you for a nice vacation with your mother?" Gabby laughed when I said that and smiled at me. "You changing your mind about taking me on a vacation?" I looked at her when she asked me that and shook my head. "Not a chance!"

Gabby laughed when I said that before walking over to me. She then bent down and went to kiss me softly. "Relax, it's not going to be long. But the longer you hold her in your arms, the harder it's going to be to leave. Now, how about you lay her back down in her crib and then you can say goodbye to our other kids. We need to get going." I nodded when she said that and smiled. Getting up, I went to walk over to the cribs we had in there for the twins and triplets. Kissing Abby's forehead, I just smiled at her. "You be good girl for your grandma okay sweetie?"

I then went to lay her down and then smiled as I looked at the other babies. Bending over into each of their cribs, I kissed their foreheads and just smiled at them. "God, you guys are going to be so hard to leave. Honestly, why must you guys be so dang adorable?" Gabby laughed when I said that and smiled at me. "Hey, your fault for making them so adorable." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. I then went to wrap my arm around her after saying goodbye (and giving kisses) to all of the babies. "At least I have the most important girl coming with me."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to rub my back. "Same here. Now, Louie." I nodded and agreed with her before going to walk over to Louie. "Louie, come here my boy." Louie then got up and smiled as he came to walk over to me. Bending down, I looked at him and smiled. "You remember what we told you right? Mommy and daddy are just going on a vacation together. We are going to see each other again in a couple weeks when you come join us on our vacation. This is not goodbye forever. You are going to stay here with family." Louie nodded when I said that and smiled as he came to give me a hug. "I know daddy, mommy told me." I smiled when he said that before going to kiss his shoulder. "I love you, be a good boy."

He agreed with me and nodded when I said that. He then went to walk over to Gabby and smiled as he went to hug her. "Have fun mommy." Gabby smiled as she bend down and went to hug Louie. "I will buddy. Me and your daddy love you and we will see you in a few weeks when we go on a vacation together. How does that sound?" Louie agreed with her and smiled when she said that. "I can't wait." Gabby smiled when he said that and smiled at him. "God, you are making it so hard to leave buddy. You are starting to want to make me want to take you with us now."

I then sighed and went to rub her back. "Gabby, it's a resort reserved for adults so...that's not possible unfortunately. Now listen, we need to get going so that we aren't lake for our flight." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me as she got up. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I smiled before going to kiss her forehead. "Believe me babe, you are going to love where I am taking you for our honeymoon." Gabby nodded and smiled at me when I said that. "I already know where we are going." I then laughed. "Right, forgot about that part." She agreed, smiling.

Gabby then smiled as we both walked over to the door where Antonio was already waiting for us at the door. He was going to drive us since we needed to take the van. Going to grab our bags, I smiled at him. That's when our moms walked over. "Not before you hug us." I laughed and agreed as I went to hug my mom. "See you in a couple weeks okay?" She then looked at me and nodded. "Yes you will." I then smiled because she knew exactly what I was talking about. I then went to hug Camila (who also knew) before kissing her cheek. "Thanks again for watching the kids." They both smiled and agreed with us. "No problem." I then went to look at Eva. "Eva, don't think you are escaping my hug when you are here." Eva laughed and agreed with Gabby.

Walking over to us both, Eva came to hug Gabby first before moving over to me. "You guys have fun on your honeymoon. But not too much fun, you guys already have 6 do not need 7!" I laughed when she said that. "Eva, relax...we can't have more kids." Eva smiled and agreed with me. "Okay. Sorry I said that." Gabby just smiled as she went to hug her. "Calm down and behave for everybody. Now, let's go before I change my mind. My eyes are already starting to get all watery." I nodded when she said that. Grabbing her hand, I smiled while holding her close.

Intertwining our fingers, I smiled as we went to walk out of the house with Antonio and our bags. "O'Hare right?" I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Yes, we have a direct flight from O'Hare to the Bahamas." Gabby smiled when I said that, loving that fact. "God, I love direct flights. I had to take a non-direct one when I was in flying here to Chicago for that event. It was long and I hated it." I nodded when she said that before going to rub her back. "Believe me, you are never going to have to take a connecting flight again. Vacations with direct flight only."

Walking over to the van, I went to set my bags in the back when I saw that there was a bag in there that wasn't supposed to be was the dress with her vow renewal dress. "Uhm Gabby. What is this doing in here?" Gabby then turned to look at me. "Matt, you can't be serious right? You really think I don't know?" I was confused when she said that. "My aunt called me to RSVP to our vow renewal that we are having in Puerto Rico."

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