Chapter 606

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Matt's POV: After moving my Jeep out to the driveway, I went to close the garage before looking at Gabby as she came downstairs with the baby monitor. I then smiled when I walked over to her. "Last time I checked, you were going to stay upstairs." Gabby then smiled at me. "Sofia texted me saying that she was here. Where were you moving the Jeep?" I then sighed. "We are responding from the driveway today. I have to go tell the house that." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. That's when I saw everybody come back out. "Might as well tell them here."

Everybody then looked at me. "Firehouse 71 please listen to me." They then nodded and looked at me. "I want to let you all know that we are still an active house today. I already spoke to the CFD. We are going to respond to calls from the driveway. Please stay available. However, I am going to stay upstairs a bit since we have the triplets here." Sofia then looked at Gabby. "You mean my nieces and nephews are here?" I laughed when she said that. "Yes. Well, the youngest ones that are still being breastfed. Rearden, do you need agent S. Golanzo?" Sofia then laughed.

"Yeah, that works. By the way, you are going to meet our son while we are in town. I made sure to bring him this time. He is with Pedro's mom." Gabby nodded when she said that. "Of course. Now, how about you come upstairs and meet the triplets? We can work on our relationship too. I want to get past the whole Louie stuff. Oh and Pedro, thanks for sending us that." Pedro nodded and agreed. "No problem Gabby, like I said...he's your son!" Gabby nodded and smiled as she went to hug him. "Thanks. Now listen, I am going to take Sofia upstairs. You boys talk."

I agreed and smiled at her. "I will be upstairs soon. I need to make sure that those gorgeous babies get equal time with me as they do their mother." Gabby smiled when I said that. She then went to go wrap her arms around Sofia's arm. "C'mon, let's go introduce you to the triplets!" Sofia nodded and agreed as she went to follow Gabby upstairs to our apartment. I then looked at Pedro and just glared at him. "Be advised that if you pull anything to try and get close to Louie so you can try and get custody...I don't care if you are my brother-in-law. You are a dead man!"

Rearden looked at me when I said that. "Careful Chief Casey." I then looked at him and sighed. "Sorry, it's a complicated relationship. He is my half-brother-in-law...who's sister just so happens to be my adoptive son's biological mother. Our relationship got off to a rocky start when our son ran over to him and called him uncle Pedro like he knew him. We are still weary because we lost our son once. Plus, I was talking to him in my capacity as his brother-in-law...not a federal agent. How about clear things up, you deal with me for FBI. Pedro is solely familial."

Rearden looked at me when I said that and nodded. "That will make it a lot easier. That way, you can't get in trouble for anything you say. It can't be misconstrued as anything." I nodded when he said that and smiled at Pedro. "You should rope Antonio into this case. I am sure that he would love to work with you guys again. After all, he can be the buffer between you guys and me." Rearden then looked at Pedro. "Sorry, what agent is that?" Pedro then laughed. "The Deputy Head of the Chicago Police Department's Intelligence Division. He's my brother-in-law."

I then looked at him. "Do you need him to help with the investigation? Because he is watching your other niece and nephew." Pedro then smiled. "How are the triplets? I saw pictures on Facebook. They are adorable and they look a lot like you." I smiled when he said that. "Thanks. But yeah, so he is watching the twins...if you need him, I can get my sister to go help out instead." Pedro then laughed. "You mean his ex-girlfriend? What the hell happened between them?" I then sighed. "Pedro, I would rather not get into that. I'm in the middle."

He was confused when I said that. "Aren't you on Antonio's side?" I then laughed. "I'm neutral. Remember, my sister is his ex!" Pedro then nodded when I said that. "Dang, that's awkward." I then looked at him. "Oh and my paramedic-in-chief is his new girlfriend." That's when I heard Sylvie come out to do stock on the ambulance. That's when I heard her walk over to me. "What's this about me being Antonio's girlfriend?" I then laughed and looked at her. "Sylvie Brett, let me introduce you to Pedro Golanzo, Antonio's half-brother-in-law."

That's when Antonio came in. "How about you let me introduce my girlfriend to him myself?" I then looked at him, shocked. "Antonio?"

One Chicago: Family Life Season 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant