Chapter 708

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Matt's POV: Once Severide left with Louie (and I went to the washroom), I smiled as I walked back over to bed to see Gabby just laying there looking very comfortable. "You know, at first I was really worried about letting him go swimming but, I am starting to calm down about it." I nodded when Gabby said that before smiling at her. "Good, because you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Severide taking Louie swimming." Gabby smiled when I said that. However, I had this feeling that she wasn't feeling the same way. "You have a different opinion?"

Gabby sighed as she looked at me. "It's not's just this is the first time that I have let any members of my family out of my sight since our near death experience." I nodded when she said that before going to get in bed with her. Grabbing her hand, I watched as Gabby rolled over onto her side so that we were facing each other. "First, take some breaths for me okay? You are okay Gabby and everything is going to be okay." Gabby nodded when I said that and sighed. "I know, I just hate to worry. It's the mom in me. I don't want to loose him again." I nodded and sighed.

Moving close to her, I went to bring her against my chest and then wrapped my arm around her. "Gabby, nobody is going to take us away from our kids. We are safe here in bed." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. She then went to wrap her arms around my torso and just smiled at me as I went to rub her arm. Grabbing the covers, I went to tug them up so that we were all comfortable with each other. "How are you feeling otherwise? And I am not taking about your stress when it comes to Louie. I am talking about your recovery after the car accident."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "I just hope that I am going to be fine by the time we do our vow renewal." I nodded when she said that. "Listen, I know that this is probably not what you want to hear but...what do you say we just reschedule it for our 5th anniversary? I know people came here to do it but...they would understand Gabby. They would understand if we decided to reschedule our vow renewal based on the circumstances. I mean, we got into a car accident." Gabby sighed when she looked at me. "Would they though? I mean, it's a lot to ask them."

I sighed when she said that before looking at her. "Maybe we can just do it with them watching it over video chat. Anyways babe...this is not the scenario in which we want to be celebrating our vow renewal. With this so fresh in our minds and stuff. Let's just wait." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Can I think about it? Matt, think about what we would be asking our friends to do. What if some people are using this as they last furlough time of the year? What if some people do not have anymore furlough time after this?" I sighed when she said that.

"I know, that is something I am scared of. But do you really want our actual wedding to be us in chairs? I mean, wouldn't you rather be walked down the aisle and stuff? I know that's your dream Gabby. And then Louie being our ring bearer. I know this is a lot to ask but...the only other option would be for us to do it up here with us sitting in bed." Gabby then looked at me and laughed when I said that. "Yeah, that wouldn't be fun at all." I smiled when Gabby said that because I was (hoping) she was coming around.

But unfortunately, what wasn't the case. "But Matt, I am tired of waiting. We almost lost each other too many times as it is. I want to have it so that we really recommit to each other. I don't care if we have to do it sitting down. At the end of the day, as long as you...the kids and the people we love are there, then I am going to be happy. Yes, we can talk about this until the night before. But just know that I don't want to cancel. I don't like the idea of cancelling because that might worry people what we are in a bad place."

I then thought about that and sighed because she was making a good point. "That's a good point. We don't want to worry them that we are in a bad place after all." Gabby nodded and sighed. "And if we do it on our actual anniversary, our nieces and nephews can't come because that is when they are doing Christmas pageants. That and we aren't even going to be in Puerto Rico on our anniversary." I was confused when she said that. "We aren't?" Gabby then smiled at me.  "December is when we do charity events remember?"

I nodded when she said that. "You want to go to one?" Gabby smiled when I said that. "I might have texted Pearl Magenta...our Head of Fundraising. She wants to send me to the London fundraiser in December. It would be right before our anniversary." I smirked when she said that. "We go together and then we stop in Paris on our way back. Make sure that they don't book it for the 6th...I want to be in Paris on our anniversary." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I just need to convince Antonio to let us do that." I nodded and agreed with her.

"We can talk to Antonio and your mom. I mean, it's Paris! They have to let us go. Sorry but, I am not going to pass up a chance to do it. Of course, we would have a layover somewhere considering it's not a direct flight." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. I then smiled as I went to kiss her softly, loving the idea of spending our anniversary in Paris. "We take a few days around it. I am not going to Paris around our anniversary and not being a tourist with you!" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Believe me, I feel the same way." 

I smiled when Gabby said that before watching as she went to set her phone down. She then went to wrap her arms around my neck before moving them around my head. Going to rub her arm, I just smiled at her. "I swear, how did I get so lucky. Our life as a married couple has been nothing short of full of adventures." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Hey, you sighed up for a life of got it." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that, taking it slow with her as we just held each other in bed.

NOTE: Starting next chapter, I am going to concentrate on Jay and Erin for a while. This is now more of a One Chicago story will mostly revolve around Dawsey and Linstead.

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