Chapter 672

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Matt's POV: After I finished getting changed for the beach, I smiled as I went to come out to the bedroom so see Gabby in her shorts and one of my t-shirts. "Okay, that is hot." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "I am just trying to earn brownie points. I know you are not very happy right now right me." I sighed when he said that before going to walk over to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I sighed. "I am sorry for blowing up okay? I shouldn't have done that and it was wrong. We need to talk more and I promise that is what we are going to do."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. She then went to wrap her arms around my waist while I went to kiss the top of her head. "I want to resolve this okay Matt? I don't want us to be yelling at each other like that. I am sorry for what I said but..." Pushing her chin up, I went to look into her eyes before bending down and going to kiss her slowly. "You are my wife and that is all that matters at the end of the day. I almost lost you a couple times, you never have to worry about loosing me okay? We are going to work this out like we always do...we always will."

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "I like the sound of that." I smiled at her and then went to grab our towels. "You already fed the babies and everything right?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "Yes, and I made some bottles. We are going to be good for a while. I am just glad that Antonio is giving us this time to go and talk." That's when I heard Antonio come upstairs. "There is nothing more than I want than for my sister and her husband to make up. I do not want to have to hold her in my arms a few days before her wedding."

I looked at Antonio when he said that and sighed. "Believe me when I say this Antonio, you never have to worry about that okay? Me and Gabby are going to make it through this little bump in the road. After all, that's what marriage is...a life together with many bumps in the road. Gabby's first adventure here in Puerto Rico was just that, a bump in the road for us. But being here together is much better." Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me, kissing me softly. "Told you that you'd like being here. Now, we are going to the beach to talk right?" I nodded.

Gabby then looked at Antonio. "I don't want to put a time limit on how long we are gone. Do you mind just watching them until we get back? I want to talk to Matt and just clear the air." Antonio nodded when Gabby asked him that. He then walked up to us both and hugged us. "I would love to do that. After all, I need to practice being a dad again." I then looked at him. "So, you and Sylvie have decided to keep the baby?" Antonio nodded and smiled. "Yes. Now get lost so that I can practice being a dad. And you guys make up. No beach sex though."

I agreed with him when he said that. "We are going there to talk so, no...we are not going to have sex on the beach. That is something that you do not have to worry about." Antonio nodded when I said that and smiled. "Okay, then get going to go resolve this." I nodded and agreed with him before going to grab Gabby's hand. Intertwining our fingers, I smiled as I led her downstairs. "Let's just grab our water bottles and then we can get going okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. Kissing her head, I smiled at her as we got ready to go.

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