Chapter 641

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Matt's POV: After making my way back to the house, I smiled as I dried off and went to get changed since I wanted to be dry when I hugged my mom. Seeing Gabby standing in the kitchen with my mom and sisters, I smiled at her. "You guys are okay that I decided to get changed before I came to see you guys right?" Christie nodded and smiled. "Believe me, I would rather not have to hug a sweaty, wet man who probably still smells like the ocean even though you did get changed." I then went to smell myself. "I put deodorant and body spray on. I'm good."

Walking up to Christie, I then went to hug her and just smiled. "How was the flight?" Christie smiled. "It went good and I got a lot of sleep on the plane. It was quiet." I then looked at her. "Do not say that word in the same sentence as a plane. That is never going to be the case for me and Gabby ever again." She nodded when I said that and smiled. I then went to hug Heather and Violet. "Now, where are my two groomsmen and godsons?" Heather then laughed when I said that. "They are in the living room on their iPads. Gabby already gave them the password."

I then turned to look at her. "Seriously, now I have to be the mean uncle." Gabby was confused when I said that. "What do you mean by that?" I then went to grab my phone before going to walk into the living room. But first, I went to shut off the Wi-Fi so that I would be guaranteed some hugs from Ben and Griffin. However, they didn't like how I guaranteed that. Both looking at me, they went to yell. "If you guys yell and wake up the triplets, then you guys are not getting the Wi-Fi back for an hour. By the way Gabby, you tell any of them yet?" 

Gabby shook her head and smiled at me. "I was waiting for you to get back." I nodded and agreed with her as I saw Ben and Griffin get up. I then went to hug them and smiled. "You guys are going to be in my wedding party so behave." They both agreed and smiled when I said that. Gabby looked at me. "Remind me who we are partnering them with again?" I then smiled at her. "Eva and Violet." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Okay, now are we going to tell everybody our news?" I nodded and smiled. "Ben and Griffin, come to the kitchen please."

They agreed and nodded when I said that. Getting up, they went to walk over to the kitchen near their mom. My mom then smiled at me. "So, you have news for us?" I then smiled and agreed with her. Walking up behind Gabby as she leaned against the counter, I then went to put my hands on her stomach in the shape of a heart. Putting her hands on mine, she smiled. The women in there just knew what that meant and smiled. "Oh my god, this is crazy." I nodded and agreed as my mom when to hug Gabby. "Congratulations Gabby." 

Gabby smiled as she went to hug my mom. Meanwhile, I went to hug Christie, Heather and Violet. But then, I had to look at the boys and they were just confused. Bending down, I looked at them and smiled. "Boys, your aunt Gabby is pregnant." Ben and Griffin then both smiled as they went to hug her. "Congratulations aunt Gabby." I smiled when they did that and agreed. Christie then looked at me. "So, was this planned or a complete surprise?" I laughed when she asked me that. "Believe me when I say this, this was a complete surprise. It's a good one though."

My mom then looked at me. "But this is it after right? I mean, not that I wouldn't love more grandkids but...this is still crazy." I laughed and agreed. "Yes, we are done. Now, I need to talk to you guys about something. Gabby, I want to get that other news out of the way. However you think maybe it can just be the adults for this?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "You mean about..." I nodded and sighed before going to kiss her head. I then went to whisper to her. "I don't want the boys to associate firefighting with mental health." She agreed with me.

Heather then looked at me. "You okay Matt?" I sighed and looked at her. "Listen, I will explain this to you all when you are out on the porch. Please, I just want to get this out of the way. It's still hard for me to get my head around." They all agreed and nodded as they went to walk out to the porch. Meanwhile, Gabby stayed with me and got close to me. She then went to whisper to me. "Matt, are you struggling with the fact that you are never going to be a firefighter again." I sighed and went to put my hands on her butt. "It's just the stigma I am trying to beat."

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to put her hands on my chest. Leaning up to kiss me, Gabby just held me close. "Just promise me that you will never forget that in my eyes, you will always be my sexy Battalion Chief husband. Matt, I am incredibly proud of how long you served the City of Chicago. And I never want to hear you say that you used to be a firefighter. In your heart, you will always be one." I nodded when she said that before going to wrap my arms around her. I then went to kiss her forehead before going to kiss her softly. "I love you."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "I love you too Matt and I always will. Now, get the waters and then we can talk to everybody." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, giving her one last kiss before going to get water for everybody.

One Chicago: Family Life Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora