Chapter 635

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Matt's POV: As I made my way downstairs to get the matching necklace I bought for Gabby (it matched the ring I used to re-propose to her), I smiled because that was the last thing I was waiting for to make our wedding day perfect. But what I didn't expect was for it to be delivered by Battalion Chief Severide himself. "Severide?" He then looked at me and smiled as he walked over to me. He then hugged me and just held me close. "How are you mad?" I then sighed and looked at him. "We are going to have to talk about that later. The CFD talk to you yet?"

Severide nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I am the Battalion Chief now. However, I also learned about why you resigned. Man, it true?" I sighed and looked at him before going to hug Stella. "How about you go upstairs and get Gabby for me Stella? We are to hang out down here. I need to talk to Severide in private." She nodded and smiled. "Of course." Stella then went to walk upstairs and smiled. "Oh, two floors up and then double bedroom door. Master suite!" She agreed and nodded. "Thanks Matt." I smiled when she said that before leading Severide to sit down.

"Oh Antonio, can you get us some water? I am going to tell Severide about that thing I did." Antonio then looked at me when I said that and knew what I meant. "Regarding health?" I agreed and nodded. He then went to walk away to get us water. Meanwhile, I went to sit with Severide and just sighed as he looked at me. "So man, how are you dealing with this?" I then sighed. "I am just in shock. I am just dealing with this as best I could. And as happy as I am trying to be right now...I feel like I am also a little depressed because of the mess I left behind."

Severide looked at me when I said that. "Hey man, that's not the truth and you know it." I just sighed. "The CFD was going to fire me had I not resigned. I already know that. They scrapped my suggestion and they failed. I failed them." Severide just looked at me and then went to grab his bag from the door. "I don't think Grissom feels that way." Severide then opened his bag as he came to sit next to me again before giving me an envelope. I then went to open it to see it was a letter of recommendation to the fire department of my choosing from Commissioner Grissom.

I then looked at Severide. "I am not even sure if I want to work fires anymore. The reason you will find out in a minute." That's when I heard Gabby come downstairs. "Severide." Severide then smiled as he got up to go hug Gabby. "How are you Gabby?" Gabby then smiled at me. "I am feeling great." She then came to sit next to me when she saw the envelope. "What's that?" I then sighed. "It's a letter from Grissom. A letter of recommendation for whatever fire department I choose to work for. If I wanted to go work here at the Puerto Rico Firefighters Corps..."

Gabby looked at me and nodded. "Matt, I know that firefighting is in your blood. If that is what you want to do here, then I understand. But you also need to remember that you need to be safe under our new, updated circumstances." I then smiled when she said that. "Want to tell them?" Severide and Stella then both looked at us and were shocked. "NO!" Gabby then laughed and smiled as she went to put her hand on her stomach. "We are expecting Baby #7. Oh and this time...I am getting my tubes tied tight and I am getting an IUD implanted to stop this again!"

I nodded when Gabby said that and smiled at Severide while grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. "You do not get to tell the firehouse. You are the only ones who can know for a while. We are not ready for the glares on our big day." Severide agreed with me. "Of course man, I get that and completely understand." I then smiled at him. "We are going to have to think about the firehouse stuff okay. But for now, I am desperate to get out of this place. Since you are here earlier than expected what if us boys went to the beach while you relaxed Gabby?"

Gabby then smiled. "I need time with Stella anyways. I need to relax just in case my dad decides to come. He still hasn't RSVP'd." That's when Antonio walked over to us. "Fair warning, both he and mom are coming." Gabby got worried when he said that and just sighed. "Antonio, you are in charge of our father okay? He is not going to ruin my wedding. And he is also not going to get me stressed or Matt either. We are pregnant and he isn't to know that until after the wedding. I do not need him ruining  our big day!" I agreed with her when she said that.

"I agree with her. But Antonio, you mind if us boys get out of here for a while? Can you help Gabby take care of the kids? I just need to get out of here. Severide probably has questions about my mental health stuff." Antonio nodded when I said that before going to rub my back. "Of course man. You need to go talk to him. What do I do if you mom comes?" I then sighed and looked at Gabby. "Can you talk to her and tell her why we are moving here? I would rather not be judged about it. I am already ashamed that I have to resign from the CFD."

Gabby then went to put her hand on mine and stopped me when I said that. "Hey, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Matt, we have lost a lot over the past couple months. Boden, our home, one of our first triplets, the firehouse, your great aunt. Add on that you are barely sleeping and that you are under a lot of stress with me and the's understandable that you have mental health issues. Matt, if you need to take time with our friends and deal with it...then you do that okay? I am here for you." I nodded and agreed with her. "I'll ask Jay, Severide unpack."

Severide then laughed. "Am I staying here?" I turned to look at Gabby and hadn't even thought about that. "We have all the rooms upstairs. Antonio has a bedroom downstairs. Is there one more bedroom?" Gabby then shook her head. "Nope, he is at the hotel down the road. But you can go check in later Severide. You have swim trunks?" Severide nodded. "Yeah, I have my bags at the door." Gabby then smiled. "Grab them and go get changed. You boys are getting out of here. Antonio, go get Jay for Matt and tell him that he needs to go spend mental health time with Matt." Antonio nodded and agreed with Gabby said that, doing as he was told.

Meanwhile, Severide went to grab his swim trunks before following me upstairs so that we could go get changed for the beach.

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