Chapter 632

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Matt's POV: Once I made my way back upstairs (and grabbed brunch in the kitchen), I smiled at Antonio. "You sure you're okay with Louie for a while?" Antonio nodded and agreed with me. "Of course I am man. Go spend time with Gabby, the twins and triplets." I nodded and agreed with him. "Oh, I ordered a baby gate from Amazon. It should be here today. Can you sign for it?" Antonio agreed. "How many?" I then laughed. "3. Basement, and then stairs." Antonio agreed with me when I said that. "You want me to install them for you?" I nodded and smiled. "Sure."

Antonio then smiled as he decided to walk over to me. "Congrats by the way, I know you guys wanted this." I nodded and smiled as I went to hug him. "You going to stay here in Puerto Rico to help us or are you going to head back to Chicago?" Antonio then sighed. "I am going back to Chicago. Laura said that she is staying there. However, I have a feeling that you might have other help here. Maybe Jay and Erin might stay." I smiled when he said that. "That sounds good. But listen...I need you to do me another favor." Antonio was confused when I said that. "Which is..."

I then sighed. "My sister lands at the airport with Violet, my mom, Heather and the Darden boys around 3:30ish...I have them in hotel suites down the road? But I am not sure if they are going to get a ride with the hotel shuttle or if they are going to ask us for a ride. If they need a ride form us, can I get a hand since I don't have enough room in my van? I already took out the baby seats for that reason." Antonio nodded when I said that. "And I rented a car here for that reason. I knew that I was going to need it eventually. Eva and Diego are coming with Sylvie and 51."

I looked at him when he said that. "Laura is letting Sylvie escort Eva and Diego down here?" Antonio laughed when I said that. "They just so happen to be booked on the same flight, right next to each other. Complete coincidence." I looked at him. "Sure...and you and Sylvie are really done just like you and my sister?" Antonio bit his lip. "We might have been doing long distance for a bit. I am trying to convince her to join us to see whether this can really work. Plus, Gabby is going to want her best friend here for the pregnancy." I nodded when he said that and sighed.

"Listen, just keep me out of your drama okay? I do not want to loose this pregnancy. I remember how Gabby was during her partial-miscarriage and she was a mess. She help it together in front of you but we were both traumatized. I am not going to let her go through that. If you put her pregnancy at risk...I don't care if you are here to help us, I will gladly kick you out for the rest of the pregnancy. And you can't say a damn thing because it's for Gabby's health." Antonio nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "Of course Matt, I promise that things will go smoothly."

I agreed with him and smiled when I saw Louie sitting on the couch. "You are being extra quiet buddy." Louie then smiled at me. "What are you doing daddy?" I then smiled at him and went to sit next to him. "I am going to go cuddle up to mommy. We have to tell you something anyways. So, how about you come upstairs with me so that we can go snuggle in bed with mommy?" Louie nodded and smiled when I said that. Getting up, he walked over to me. Meanwhile, I went to grab the tray of food that I made for Gabby so that we could have brunch in bed.

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