Comfort - CHAPTER 27

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Sitting on the edge of his bed, Remi ran a hand through his curls and focused on the marble curtains inside of his bathroom. He'd been spending less time with Marcelo because he'd been feeling terribly sick. It's been awful. He can barely move without this nauseous feeling clawing at his stomach. He'd thrown up multiple times within the past week, and his cycle was 5 weeks late.

He knew that he had to do something which is why he planned on going to purchase a pregnancy test before it was time for him to go over Marcelo's place.

A few seconds later, Remi felt his phone buzz underneath his thigh. He picked it up and saw that he'd gotten a message from Marcelo.

Celo 🌱: Still coming over tonight?

Remi: Yep, I'll be there.

Celo 🌱: Can't wait. I love you ❤️

Remi: Love you too 💗

Remi sighed and stood up from his bed. He slung Marcelo's light blue hoodie that he borrowed over his head and put on a pair of black sweatpants and a pair of black converses. He then made sure that Paxton's food and water bowls were full and that Paxton didn't have to use the restroom.

Remi didn't feel like walking to the subway, so he grabbed his car keys and left his apartment, heading to his car. Soon, he was off to the grocery store.

After he'd arrived, Remi went straight in and over to the right where all of the basic human necessities were. He walked down each aisle. Somehow, each aisle made him more and more nauseous. Once he'd found the correct aisle, Remi searched high and low for the tests. They were in the middle shelves on the right side of the isle. Not knowing which test to get, Remi grabbed a random one and looked over it.

The test was a two-pack. It came with a digital test and a regular test. One would say ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ or ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ and the other one would either give you two lines for pregnant or one line for not pregnant. Figuring that this one would give him the best of both worlds, Remi chose it over the other ones.

He walked in the opposite direction towards the door and went up to the self-scan registers. He quickly scanned the pregnancy tests, paid for them, and placed them in a mini bag before he was on his way back out and to his apartment.

The first thing that Remi did when he was back at his apartment was throw up. The nausea that he'd been holding back on his way to and from the store had finally come up. Not only did it come up, but it terrified Remi. It terrified Remi because it practically proved what he was about to prove with the pregnancy tests.

After flushing the toilet and brushing his teeth, Remi took the pregnancy tests out of the bag. He unboxed them and unfolded the instructions. He read through them thoroughly, stalling himself from the inevitable. When there was nothing left to read, Remi grabbed the first pregnancy test, the regular one. He figured that maybe if he did this one first, it wouldn't be a slap in the face as much as the digital one would be.

But of course, it was eventually time for the digital one. He peed on it as well before putting the top back on and sitting it on the napkin on the counter alongside the regular test. He pulled his pants up, flushed the toilet, washed his hands, and exited the bathroom.

His heart was beating like crazy. He tried to think of alternatives, reasons why he'd been so sick and moody and tired that didn't have anything to do with pregnancy. He couldn't find any though. And even if he did, they would all be unlikely. The only reason that truly made sense was one that he didn't want to think about.

Now, you might be wondering why Remi and Marcelo were so opposed to the idea of Remi being pregnant. Well, there isn't really a super major reason. It's just that the two aren't ready for kids. Especially Remi. He's just now finding stability in his life and as much as kids are a blessing, he does not need them right now. Not yet.

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