Shaka Signs - CHAPTER 82

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a/n: Haunui above.

"Ugh.... My back hurts," Remi groaned, collapsing back down onto the bed after he'd finished getting dressed.

It was the fourth day of the couple's honeymoon—counting the day they'd arrived—and they were currently waiting for their activity boat to arrive.

Marcelo smirked at Remi's statement and winked at him smugly. Remi groaned again and turned away. I think we all know why Remi's back hurts.

Marcelo hurriedly buttoned up the buttons on his pastel yellow, short sleeved, button-up shirt. He and Remi were matching. They both had on the same yellow shirts, khaki shorts, and light brown Birkenstock sandals.

As Remi waited, he flipped through the channels on the tv. He wasn't lying when he said his back hurts. It felt as if it was hanging on by a thread. He could manage it though.

Not being able to find anything that he wanted to watch on tv, Remi laid down and pulled his phone out, scrolling on it absentmindedly.

Once Marcelo finished up, he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. As he walked in, he noticed Remi's absentminded aura; Remi didn't look up when he came in. Marcelo stepped up beside Remi and ran his fingers through Remi's curls. Remi suddenly snapped out of his trance and looked up. Marcelo saw faint red circles underneath Remi's eyes as if he was about to cry. Despite this, Remi smiled.

Marcelo didn't smile back. "Are you alright, Teo?"

Remi nodded, his smile still present. Marcelo immediately began to feel guilty about the previous night. He must've really hurt Remi. That had to be why Remi was nearly in tears. He was in pain. Knowing that, Marcelo's heart tightened up with guilt. Damn it. He knew that he'd went too far. He knew that Remi was fragile. He's a delicate flower that should be treated gently. He shouldn't be hurt.

Marcelo didn't get a chance to apologize because seconds later, the activity boat's horn sounded outside. Marcelo grabbed Remi's hand and pulled him up. Remi grabbed his little tote bag and slipped his phone into it while Marcelo checked to make sure that everything was off. Then they left.

The whole way to their activity, Remi was still a bit off, distant. He rested his head against Marcelo's shoulder, but he was quiet. For a second, Marcelo thought they were having a repeat of the previous night, but that wasn't it. Marcelo felt that this was a different kind of silence. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that it had something to do with Remi's pain. He held Remi close to him and held his hand firmly.

Stepping out of the boat, the two stepped onto a grassy surface. Remi looked up and saw a sign that said,

𝐽𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑟𝑖 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑟 --> 𝐴ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑

"Are we going there," Remi asked, trying to sound as uplifted as he could while pointing to the sign.

"Yep," Marcelo smiled.

The two walked a couple more feet before seeing green jeeps with no tops or windows all around. They also saw workers and other couples and families.

"Maeva!" one of the Polynesian men greeted. "Flower crown for the beaut?" he said politely with a kind smile as he looked at Remi before looking at Marcelo for permission.

Marcelo turned to Remi and smiled prior to nodding. The man brought a beautiful flower crown over to the two. It consisted of Tiare, Hibiscus, and Frangipani flowers. The man carefully placed it on Remi's head. Then he stepped back respectfully and nodded to the two, "Enjoy, buddies."

Once the guy walked to the next couple, Marcelo looked down at Remi and smiled. "You look so beautiful."

Remi blushed as always and smiled back. Marcelo pecked him softly and grabbed his hand as they walked up to the tour station. There was a woman there. She smiled sweetly.

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