Assumptions - CHAPTER 90

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"I think... I think you're my uncle," Remi said, his eyes fogging up.

"Your uncle?"

"Yes, I.... Alvaro Declan... that's my dad. Well, I have two dads actually, but Alvaro Declan is my biological dad. I think you're my uncle."

The line was quiet for a long time. Initially, Remi thought that Dr. Crusoe had fallen asleep on him but after a while, he heard movement in the background.



"Remi Declan. Remi Declan," Remi could hear the wheels turning in Dr. Crusoe's head as he said this. "Oh my god. I'm such a small brain. All of these years I knew that you looked familiar, and I knew that it had something to do with your last name. Remi, you're a Declan? You're Alvaro Declan and Fernando Declan's child?"

Hearing the second name brought back even more memories, sending loads of icy chills down Remi's spine.

"Yeah, those are my—those are my dads," Remi nodded as if Dr. Crusoe could see him. "Wow, Alvaro... he looked so different. I didn't even recognize him."

"Yeah, he's changed over the years for sure. All of us have for crying out loud considering the fact that I didn't even recognize you and vice versa."

"I know. That's something, isn't it," Dr. Crusoe hummed in agreement at this. "Hey, no offense but which brother are you?"

"I'm Ricardo. Ricardo Crusoe."

"Uncle Rick?" Remi exhaled. "You're really Uncle Rick?"

"Yeah, I'm really Uncle Rick."

"Oh gosh. This is a lot to take in. My uncle has been right in my face this entire time," Remi chuckled. "But... why do you two have different last names?"

"Your dad, Alvaro, married Fernando and took his last name, Declan. Crusoe is his maiden name, remember?"

"Oh... yeah. Sorry, it's all starting to come back to me. Just give me a second."

Dr. Crusoe chuckled and it was then that Remi recognized his voice from all of those years ago. That big, thick chuckle. He could remember seeing his family almost 24/7. He could even remember a few of his dad's other brothers. He couldn't remember any cousins or grandparents or Fernando's family though. All of that was foggy.

"Okay... I'm starting to understand everything, but I still have one question."


"Do you know why they put me in a foster care facility?"

"Remi... as much as I want to, it isn't my place to tell you everything."

Remi sighed. He just wanted to know what was the reason. The reason for everything that'd occurred. If he could ask the questions to the two people that his questions were meant for, he would. As this single thought ran through Remi's head, a new idea popped into his head next.

"Uncle Rick?"


"Do you mind setting up some sort of meeting or date or something for me and my dads? I would really like to speak to them, but I don't exactly have their numbers and even if I did, I'd be too scared to message them."

"Of course! Of course. I would do anything to get the story and reasoning to you. And if this is what you want, then by all means."

"Yes, I want this more than anything."

"Alrighty then. I will contact your dads as soon as I'm off of the phone with you."

"Okay, okay. Go now."

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