An Early I'm Sorry - CHAPTER 43

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"I'll be q-quick," Remi told Jaxon as he stood up and turned around to walk away. Today was his 32 week appointment, and one of the nurses on the intercom had just called his name. He waddled down the hall and towards the room that he'd gotten called to: room 11. Thank God it wasn't far away.

After the nurse got Remi's measurements written down, she led him into the room before leaving since Dr. Crusoe was already waiting for Remi. "Mornin', Mr. Declan."

"Morning," Remi replied politely. He saw the stepping stool in front of the checkup bed and used it gratefully. He groaned as he stepped onto it and lifted himself onto the bed. He heard Doc chuckle as he was writing on his clipboard.

"Little one getting heavier?"

"Y-Yeah," Remi exhaled and laid back, already out of breath. He put his hand on his belly and rubbed it softly.

"Well, I heard that you are now in your 8th month soooo, you are almost finished." Dr. Crusoe smiled. Remi smiled back.

"Thank G-God. I'm so tired."

"Yep, that sounds about right. These last few weeks will pass by quickly so don't ponder on it too much, okay?"


Doc nodded and stood up, heading over to the cabinet to grab a tube of ultrasound jelly. As he grabbed one and headed back over, he asked, "Any issues or concerns lately?"

"Mmm," Remi thought. "I have something, b-but it's not really an issue or concern."


"I've been f-feeling a lot of pressure."

"Pressure? Lower pressure?"


"Pressure sounds like great news. That should mean that the baby is either in the process of flipping over to a head first position, or he is already head first. Do you want me to check?"

"K-Kind of. I don't want to wait too late and then he ends up b-breech at the last minute."

"Okay. Don't sweat it. I can do a pelvic exam really quickly."

Remi nodded and waited for further instruction.

"For pelvic exams, I have to physically check myself so take this," Doc said after he grabbed something else out of the cabinet. It was a little sheet thing so that Remi could cover up. "Undress from the waist down and put this on top of you. I'll be back when you're finished."

Remi nodded, giving Doc the green light to leave. Once he was sure that Doc was gone, he went ahead and began undressing. He most definitely didn't feel like getting down again, so he just did a little squirm to get his pants off after his shoes. He folded the articles of clothing up and put them on the floor on top of his shoes. Then, he put the sheet over his lower body and waited for Dr. Crusoe.

After a while, the door opened back and Dr. Crusoe came back in slowly, cautious just in case Remi wasn't done. When he saw that Remi was done, he smiled and came back in.

"Let me get these up," he said as he pulled out the foot rails that were attached to the bed before guiding Remi's socked feet onto them. "Okay, this will be quick. Just relax for me."

Doc put on a pair of gloves before sitting in his rolling chair and rolling over to the front of the bed. Then he lifted the sheet slightly. Remi felt his cold fingers, but he relaxed and tried not to think of that.

"Deep breath, deep breath," Remi obeyed, breathing in and out deeply. It was a little uncomfortable since Remi obviously hasn't been doing anything at all down there. He still focused on relaxing as best as he could. It didn't take long before Doc was pulling his fingers out and taking his gloves off, throwing them away. "Alright, good news: baby is definitely head down now. That was the pressure that you've been feeling."

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