Good Thing You Left - CHAPTER 60

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"Ready for your date?" Jaxon teased, making Remi wish that he'd never told him about his and Marcelo's conversation a few days ago.

"It's not like that. It's just a friendly date. Not even that, really. It's a friends' night out."

"I never said that it wasn't friendly. You must want it to be a non-friendly date." Jaxon smirked.

"You're putting words into my mouth."

"What does it matter when you're probably gonna have Marcelo's di—" Jaxon was abruptly interrupted when Remi slapped his hand over his mouth.

"N-No. We won't do that. We're just friends." Jaxon gave Remi a really look before Remi took his hand off of Jaxon's mouth.

"More like friends for the moment. I see the way that you guys look at each other."

"How do we look at each other?"

"Like you want to rip each other's clothes off right then and there."

Remi's face immediately reddened. Jaxon's eyes went wide and he pointed right in Remi's face.

"Seeee!" he gasped. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"No, you're not. And I would like it if you didn't talk so explicitly around your godson," Remi said as he smiled sarcastically and looked down at Elio who was clinging to his leg tiredly since he'd skipped his mid-day nap. Jaxon rolled his eyes at the fact that Remi was still denying everything.

Walking over to the coat hangers in the employee section at the back of the library, Remi grabbed Elio's coat and put it on him before he grabbed his own coat and put it on himself. Jaxon put his coat on as well. The two clocked out, said their goodbyes to Mrs. Callum, and headed towards their cars.

Since Remi was going to hang out with Marcelo, Elio was going to go over Jaxon and Damon's house until the two are finished. Elio didn't mind. He was probably just gonna sleep the entire time anyway.

Jaxon placed a sleepy Elio in his car seat that was in Jaxon's car instead of Remi's. He buckled Elio up before he went to the other side of the car and opened the door, hopping in. As he turned the car on, Remi said his goodbyes to Elio.

"Be good for Uncle Jax and Uncle Damon, okay? I'll be there to pick you up before you know it."

Elio nodded. "Bye-bye, Mama."

"Bye, Eli belly." Remi said as he kissed Elio's temple.

Backing away and saying goodbye to Jaxon, Remi headed over to his car and hopped in, quickly driving home to get ready.

As soon as he arrived, he rushed inside and took a quick shower before he came out and began searching for an outfit. He ended up pulling out a gray, long sleeved dress that had a sweater type of material along with black knee high boots. Casual but formal at the same time and perfect for the chilly December weather.

Standing in front of the mirror, Remi fixed his hair up nicely, fluffing it over to one side in the front. He looked down at his outfit in the mirror as well, turning to the side and to the back. He hummed in satisfaction since his outfit looked great.

Lastly, Remi turned around and grabbed one of his small tote bags. He put all of the things that he would need on-the-go in it, including his phone that began to ring just as he went to put it in the bag. He took it back out and looked at the caller ID.


After clicking the ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛ button, Remi put the phone up to his ear with a. "Hi."

"Hey, I'm here. I didn't know if I should knock or not."

"You're fine. And I'll be out in a second."

The two hung their phones up and Remi hurriedly went around, turning off all of the lights. But before he left, he slipped back into his room and grabbed his perfume, spritzing a little bit all over himself. Now, done!

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