Ten Fingers and Ten Toes - CHAPTER 38

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Remi looked down at his tiny belly. Today was the day. He was finally going to find out the baby's gender. He's 17 weeks and everything seems to be moving along fine, except the whole thing with Marcelo of course. But Remi has been trying not to think about that.

Ever since he had that talk with Mrs. Callum, he's been trying to stay optimistic. It's hard to do so some days when he misses Marcelo more than anything in the world, but he tries. He tries.

He calls Marcelo every now and then just to hear his voice on the voicemail machine. But of course, that only makes him cry, so he hopes that he can get himself to stop doing that soon.

He'd gotten his schedule changed last week, so he's been going to work on different days. It's weird not seeing Damon anymore, but Remi feels like that's the best thing for him to do. He hopes that Damon isn't worrying about him. He hopes that the Reids aren't worrying about him either. He hasn't seen them in a while. He misses them too seeing that they were the first real family that he'd had in a while.

But, all of that has changed. A new page has been turned, and everyone just has to get used to it. No crying over things that can't be fixed because either way, Marcelo isn't coming back.

Standing up from the bed, Remi went over to the mirror to look his outfit over. He had a pair of light blue shorts, a short sleeve gray shirt, and a pair of gray Birkenstock sandals. Comfortable. He grabbed his phone, deciding to take a picture. That's what Mrs. Callum suggested that he do to keep up with the progress of his bump.

Remi stood still, standing awkwardly to the side a bit. He tried to smile, but his smile looked painful, so he didn't try to smile at all. He clicked the tiny circle on the screen and took the picture. Then, he clicked the picture and looked at it. This picture looked better than the one that he'd taken last week. He wasn't frowning this time. Progress.

Putting his phone in his pocket, Remi said goodbye to Paxton, grabbed his keys and a jacket—in case it was cold at the doctor's—and then he left.

The drive wasn't very long. Not as long as it would've been if he were coming from Marcelo's pla— No! No thinking about Marcelo.

Anyway, the drive wasn't very long. Remi only had to go down the street. He would've walked, but he didn't want to risk seeing the Reids since he would've had to walk by the cafe. On the way past said cafe, he saw that they were packed. He'd learned that Marcelo had bought the cafe a spot in the town's magazine. That was his way of helping the family out. He ev—

Wait, no Marcelo. No Marcelo. No Marcelo.

Climbing out of the car, Remi shut the door and turned to cross the street. He then walked inside through the automatic doors and went straight for the desk up front.

"Good morning. Who are you here to see?"

"Good m-morning. I have a 9 o'clock appointment w-with Dr. Crusoe."

"Okay, let's see... is it Remi Declan?"

"Yes, m-ma'am."

"Alrighty, sign in on the clipboard, and we'll call you back in a few."

Remi nodded and looked down. He saw the clipboard that was already filled with a lot of names. He grabbed the pen and added his own as well as the date and time. Then, he turned and headed into the waiting room where other moms were waiting as well. He sat alone in the front of the room and focused on not meeting anyone's eyes.

He was so nervous. He hoped that everything was okay with the baby. That he hadn't hurt the baby as he'd been doing all of his crying and stressing. He prayed that the baby was doing just fine, swimming in the amniotic fluid of his womb.

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