Wet Seats - CHAPTER 46

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"I think I'm in labor." Remi exhaled. "I tried to call Jaxon, but h-he wasn't answering his phone."

"OH! Oh my gosh. Okay. I'll be there in a second to take you to the hospital."

"N-No. I can take myself. I just need someone to w-watch Paxton."

"Remi, hush. I'm coming to take you to the hospital. Just hold on."

Remi sat down slowly onto the bed and listened. He could hear movement in the background of the call. Then he heard chatter. "Jaxon, here. You left it on my desk. Remi was trying to call you."

"He was? What happened?"

"He's in labor. I'm about to take him to the hospital. Do you mind watching Paxton?"

"Of course not. Let's go."

Remi heard more movement and shuffling. He stood back up when the pain stopped and went over to the closet. He grabbed his own hospital bag out of the closet as well as Elio's diaper bag that he'd just finished packing the day before. He sat both bags on his bed and then grabbed a pair of sweatpants, slides, and a coat from his closet. He changed into the sweatpants and put his slides on, sitting his coat on top of the bags.




Remi snapped out of his mind to hear Mrs. Callum calling his name.

"Sorry, sorry. M-Ma'am?"

"It's okay. Have you been having contractions, or did your water just break?"

"I-I think I had a contraction a few minutes ago. My water hasn't b-broken yet."

"Okay. When your next contraction comes, if I'm not there by then, you need to time it as well as the break time between it and the next one."


Remi was fine for a few seconds; his next contraction wouldn't come for a long while. However, it was something else he realized that put his mind in a state of unease. He went pale and sucked in a breath which made Mrs. Callum question him.

"Remi? What is it?"

"W-What... what if I've been in labor all day?"

"What did the pain that you felt earlier feel like?"

"I-It was spontaneous, but it hurt slightly less s-so I didn't suspect anything."

"Honestly, you might have been in labor since this morning."

"No, if that's the case, then I... I've been in labor since I left work y-yesterday."

The whole ride, Remi had Braxton Hicks. They weren't terrible though so he managed just fine.

Those weren't Braxton Hicks. They were contractions. Remi's been in labor for 20 hours.

"Remi, sit down. Do not get up and walk around. Is your key still underneath the mat?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay, hold on. Jaxon and I are pulling in now."

Just then, another contraction hit Remi. He clenched his fists and whined softly. This one was only about five minutes from the last one. It was a bit stronger too.

Then, Remi heard the front door opening before it shut soon after. He heard footsteps heading towards him and saw Mrs. Callum and Jaxon step into his room. The two saw Remi nearly in tears as he sat still on his bed, afraid to move. Mrs. Callum rushed over and held Remi's face in her hands.

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