Whipped - CHAPTER 58

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As Marcelo walked through his software center, he sighed at the refreshing atmosphere that was in the air. He clutched the strap of his satchel that was resting on his shoulder and nodded with a delightful smile as he passed by the desks and offices of his employees.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Reid."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Mason," Marcelo nodded and kept walking.

Passing by one office in specific, Marcelo leaned against the door and knocked. "Hey, man."

"Oh! Hi," Damon greeted as he put up the finishing items that he had to unpack in his new office.

That's right. Within the past two years, Damon graduated college and received his degree in software engineering. He'd been recently looking for a job while he was temporarily working at the library and now that Marcelo fired Devyn, Marcelo knew that Damon was the perfect one for the job now that he had his degree. Damon was just as hardworking and efficient as Devyn was, even more.

"Ehh, I don't know. That picture frame on the wall looks a wee bit crooked if I do say so myself."

Damon looked at the picture frame of him and Jaxon that he'd just hung up before looking back at Marcelo. He picked up a pen from off of his desk and pretended to throw it at Marcelo. Marcelo ducked and chuckled.

"Better be glad that you're my boss now. Don't forget that I can still beat your ass when I get off," Damon chuckled, making Marcelo laugh.

"I'm just messing with you. Your office looks fine. It's good to have you on the team, man."

"It's good to be on the team," Damon nodded. Then, he realized that Marcelo had his satchel on his shoulder. "Are you heading out?"

"Yep. I have a very important promise to fulfill to two very important people."

Damon smiled, already knowing what Marcelo was talking about. He saluted Marcelo before the two said their goodbyes and Marcelo left.

Marcelo checked his watch. It was 4:24pm. He told Remi that he'd be there by 4:30pm. He could make it on time. He hopped into his car and started it up before speeding off.

As he was driving, he tapped on the wheel and hummed to a song on the radio, excited to see Remi and Elio.

Just as Marcelo was about to keep straight on the intersection, a car to the right side was about to turn left. Marcelo gasped and slammed on the breaks just as the car turn in front of him, barely missing him.

Squeezing the wheel, Marcelo panted. Jesus, Marcelo. Pay more attention. Turning the radio down, Marcelo added pressure to the gas just as a car behind him honked. Chill out, car. His life just flashed before his eyes.

Finishing up packing Elio's bag, Remi zipped it up and let Elio put his arms through the little straps, wearing it on his back. Remi then went over to the closet in the hallway and grabbed Elio's car seat. He sat it by the door before grabbing his own bag from off of the bed, looking at his watch.


Remi bit his lip anxiously. Elio looked up at him and wrapped his arms around Remi's leg, leaning against it. Just as the clock hit 4:30pm, Remi's phone rang. He reached into his bag and pulled it out, clicking the ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛ button, not even checking to see who it was.

"Hello," Remi answered.

"Hey, it's Marcelo," Remi hummed. "I just wanted to let you know that I got stuck in traffic, sorry. I'm pulling in now."

A smile forced itself onto Remi's face. He nodded as if Marcelo could see him before remembering that he couldn't.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. We're coming out."

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