Little Baby Burrito - CHAPTER 42

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"Thank you."

"My pleasure. Have a nice day." the woman at the counter said as Remi grabbed his food from her. He was at work and began getting hungry as hell, so Mrs. Callum let him go and grab something quick to eat.

Remi smiled politely before turning around and heading back outside. The fast food place that he'd decided to go to wasn't far, so he just walked which was a good decision on his end. The October weather was cool but warm at the same time. It was comfortable. Remi just had to keep a little jacket wrapped around him for Elio's sake.

Walking back down the sidewalk, Remi hummed. His stomach gurgled at the smell of the food in his hands. He couldn't wait to eat it.

As he finally made it back to the library, Remi went straight in and to his favorite isolated spot where he could eat in peace. He sat on a beanbag and laid a couple of napkins out on his lap. He'd purchased two cheeseburgers and a small cup of fries. It wasn't necessarily the healthiest meal, but it would fill him up enough until he could eat later on, so that was a pro.

Remi grabbed and opened up the first cheeseburger and took a bite. As he did so, he saw Jaxon come around the corner with a smile. "Hey, Rem—ooo, food." Jaxon reached down and grabbed the food bag. Remi reached up and snatched it from him.

"Nu, mine."

"Let me have the other cheeseburger, please, please, pleaseeee."

"Nuuuu, it's for Eli. Both of u-us have to eat."

"Fair enough. A fry at least?"

"Go ah-head."

Jaxon gave a small thank you and reached in to grab a fry. He sneakily dipped it in the open sauce container that was on Remi's lap and tossed it into his mouth.

"Ugh, that tasted so good. I should've gotten here earlier to go with you."

Remi could do nothing but hum as he stuffed another bite of the burger into his mouth. It was so delicious. He grabbed his drink and took a sip of it to soothe his throat.

"Did you buy a mattress and sheets for the crib?"

"Yep, and I put up the b-bassinet and decorated it as w-well."

"Okay, Mr. Productive. Or Ms. Productive. I don't know which one you—"

"Both are f-fine."

"Kay, just wanted to make sure."

Remi nodded, appreciative of Jaxon's thoughtfulness.

"Also! I'm most definitely gonna be buying things for the little burrito so don't you dare complain."

"Did... Did y-you just call Elio a burrito?"

"Of course. He's an itty bitty Mexican treat."

Remi scoffed playfully. "Why Mexican?"

"Because you're Mexican. At least I thought...."

"Si, no t-te equivocas."

"Okay, I literally don't know what you just said, but it's okay because I'll just act like I do." This made Remi giggle. "And just fyi, your accent is hot. Speak more Spanish."

"Why when you won't u-understand it?"

"I know I won't, but please?"

Remi smiled before he gave in and said different little sentences in Spanish. Of course, as expected, Jaxon didn't understand anything, but he really loved Remi's accent, so Remi didn't mind. It was fun.


"How's it going in there, little burrito?"

"Oh geez," Remi sighed and laid his head back onto the beanbag with his hand over his face, facepalming. He'd pulled his shirt up and let Jaxon talk to Elio since Elio was surely awake now, kicking away. "I don't think he likes being c-called a burrito. He's kind of kicking m-my guts now."


"Yeah. Here." Remi reached down and grabbed Jaxon's hand before placing it right on the left bottom side where he could feel Elio's kicks. Jaxon focused and waited. Like clockwork, Eli kicked... hard. "Ah," Remi winced with a scrunched up face.

"Does it hurt?"

"Most t-times it doesn't, but I don't think he likes you very much since you gave h-him that nickname."

"Oh no! Don't hate me, little burrito. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be my god child if your mom hires me, so we have to get along."

Remi giggled. Elio didn't think that was very funny though. He kicked the hell out of Remi.

"God, you got him started ag-gain."

"I personally think that's him saying that he 100% loves me. I don't make the rules."

"Well, get h-him to stop then."

"I... okay. Uh, itty bitty burrito, your Mama said keep kicking. He really enjoys it."

Remi scoffed again and smacked Jaxon on the shoulder. Jaxon ducked and laughed. His laughter was so contagious that Remi couldn't help but to laugh as well.

"Okay, okay. Elio, I think that you're hurting your mother dearest so could you maybe, possibly... it's not mandatory fyi, but it would be nice if you could calm down. Just a little bit and only if you want to. But remember that it's a free country, so you can do what you want."

"Not when h-he's living inside of me rent free."

"Touché." Jaxon laughed again.

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