Headcannons: Dating Sang-woo

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-He's definitely the dominate one, that is for sure

-Girls do envy you dating him. The bold ones try to flirt with him but he shuts them down before you could ki-I-I mean confront them first.

-Still gets all blushy at the kisses you give him while he's off guard

-Jealous of your friendship with Gi-hun

-Would shoot a death glare at Ali or Gi-hun if any of them give you a hug.(Sang-woo: Stay away from my lioness)

-Loves to spoil you with all sorts of gifts and candies

-Is a total tsundere when it comes to you

Sang-woo: Here! *hands you bread and milk*

You: O-oh for me?

Sang-woo: Only because I'm not hungry! Not because I like you...baka!*face turns red*

-Gave up smoking for you because you care about his well being

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