Happy New Year 2022

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Hey readers, author here to tell you all HAPPY NEW YEAR! Ding dong 2021 is gone! Yo guys what's your new year's resolution?

Gi-hun: To know when to cherish the precious moments because it's better to cherish your moments before they're forgotten.

Sang-woo: To pass college and become a way better father.

Sae-byeok: To always keep in touch with your loved ones because they can be gone within the very next day.

Ali: To always be my true self and not let anyone drag me down.

Ga-yeong: To grow up to be a strong woman.

Mi-nyeo: To treat others with kindness because you don't know what they can be going through.

Maggie: To have the LGBTQ's voice be heard where we have to fight for our rights as well.

Me:Well, I honestly don't have a resolution because what's the point of having one that you're not gonna follow up to but I do wanna promise myself to never get tired of writing. I've only been working on this whole book for 3 months and look how much love it received and with you guys' love...it motivates me to keep going and to that I thank you readers for keeping me going. I thought since it's also a new year I wanna share some facts about me real quick.

1. I'm a cisgender African American female
2. My birthday is December 19(Sagittarius)
3. I've started Wattpad back in 2016
4. I'm heterosexual(Straight Ally though)
5. I was born and raised in Chicago,  Illinois
6. I really do enjoy writing(Well that's Captain Obvious) and sometimes drawing even though I can't draw well.
7. My Tumblr name is themindfulwriter16

I hope these facts of me are good enough and have y'all selves a great new year of 2022.

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