SDES Chapter 47: The Little Cowardly Controlling Ghosts (3) •

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The dual personality that Qin Lang proposed was not just for pretending, but for the ghost attacker who didn't know where to sleep.

According to the original description, Lu Yuan experienced a deep nuisance to seize the heirs before his death. He lived in dark calculations since he was a child and was also betrayed, so he rebelled, killed his brother, and killed his father as well, and after ascending the throne, he even executed the nine clans because of a  disagreement. A few days after he ascended the throne, the blood flowed into rivers. He was cast aside by all the people, and he has been defiled for thousands of years. Such a character who was pure black and a pure villain no matter what - would he like a coward who didn't even dare to resist his stepmother and a  younger brother who persecuted him?

Obviously not. Like in the original text, he probably just wanted to sleep with him.

And the switching of dual personalities would make the ghost boss find it interesting to some extent. As for whether he could be sincere or not, everything had to be determined by Qin Lang first. If not, he didn't mind giving up the world.

Qin Lang wiped clean all the magic tools passed to him by the original master's grandfather, took another pile of yellow paper, and drew a few talismans with different functions. After the work, it was completely dark.

The cold wind was still blowing, and the sound of the banyan tree in the small courtyard was even louder.

Qin Lang frowned and put the small jade pen in the pen case and put it in his trousers pocket. He took out the piece of jade that he had been wearing around his neck and looked at the light. The jade's body was white, crystal clear, and warm to the touch. This piece of jade was the ancestral treasure of their sect—the sect famous for its ghost control technique naturally had a powerful defensive magic weapon. With this piece of Qinglan jade, even the most powerful ghosts couldn't take their lives directly, and at the same time, it also prevented the reared ghosts from attacking their masters.

This was also the reason why the original owner lived in this ghost courtyard for half a year and was still safe and sound.

However, he heard from the female ghost just then that the old ghost who was here had never been able to eat the original owner, and had moved two days ago. Then why was the Yin Qi in this courtyard still so heavy?

Qin Lang looked at the lush banyan tree in the courtyard through the window of the study room. He watched quietly. If one did not have dazzling eyes, they would not see the trunk of the tree move its head as a human would. The movement was very slow so it might just go unnoticed.

Tsk tsk, Qin Lang shook his head, he admired the original owner, how could he have survived in this environment?

Qin Lang retracted his gaze, reopened his grandfather's treasure chest, and chose a dagger that looked a little blunt. The dagger didn't look sharp, so when Qin Lang touched the blade, it was very blunt, and it was engraved with dense runes, which made it ugly.

After Qin Lang finished disliked it, he put on his down jacket and changed his shoes, stood in the courtyard where the cold wind was howling, and looked at the banyan tree quietly. When the banyan tree sensed someone was approaching, it disguised itself as an ordinary tree. Qin Lang rubbed his hands and walked around the banyan tree.

Right there!

Qin Lang put his cold hands into the pockets of his down jacket, stepped on the flower bed as if casually roaming, and looked at the ghost banyan closely. Curiously he looked like a child.

The wind was blowing, and just when the roots of the ghost banyan spread underground broke out to strangle Qin Lang, Qin Lang jumped lightly, pulled out his dagger, and stabbed the nodule on the trunk of the tree. The tree tumor let out a shrill scream, and the surface that was originally the bark slowly turned into a human face - a hideous and twisted human face.

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