Isolation- 5

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TW: drugs & puke

Peter wakes up nauseous.

Before he can even see, he feels a knot in his stomach like something is truly, drastically wrong. His eyelids feel heavy and he feels weak in a way that he hadn't for years. He can hear an insect crawling up the wall and the ground below him is rough and cold. Concrete? Where's his bed?


"Tony?" Calling out his name makes Peter's stomach lurch. Ok. No talking yet. He finally cracks open his eyes and the world is spinning around him. He squeezes his eyes shut for another moment, before taking a deep breath. "Tony."

"Kid. Pete."

The voice sounds desperate and relieved. Peter is too. Tony's here. They'll be ok.

The dizziness is finally transitioned into a dull pounding at the back of his head so Peter tries to take in his surroundings. He notices how he's being kept in a glass cell. It looks quite thick. He squints against the blinding light coming from a small lamp above him. He can hear it buzzing, causing a vibrating sensation behind his eyes.

He feels so bad. When did he get sick?

"Wha' happen'd?"

"We're... we'll get out." "Outta w're? Where are we?"

"We got napped, kid."

"Napped?" "Napped."

"By who?" "I... don't know. Some of them are here too by the way."

Peter sees a blurry blob of Clint and Sam.

"Hey Peter." "Sup blues clues."

"Guys-what? How'd they get you?" "We got ambushed. Knocked us out, drugged us. Cap, Bruce, and Tasha bounced." "How'd you all wake up before me? My- my metabolism-?"

"They gave you a lot more than they should've. Do you feel ok?"

Peter feels the queasiness rise up his throat again. He swallows, "No, not really." 

"What's happening," he asks gently. He has that voice that sounds like a protective father. That, and an utterly terrified one. It's understandable; his kid did just get majorly drugged by a villain.

"Nauseous. Dizzy... 'Feel like... like when I first got my powers. Really Shitty."

"That would make sense," a cold voice echoes from across the room. "Your powers are gone."

"W-What my-?"

The air in the room got tense, horrified. "What?"

The unkept looking villain grinned, a dangerous glint sparkling in his eyes. "Yep!"

"How?" "None of your concern."

Tony pounds his fist against the dense glass.
"Hey asshole! What the hell is wrong with you, you could've over-dosed him! Come to think of it, you might have!"

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