The story of Rhodey and Tony pt.1

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Yes I know, what a creative title lmao.

I feel like it would be rly cool if we had scenes in the Ironman movies to know how Rhodey and Tony met or something. They're an iconic duo that needed more moments together and no one can tell me otherwise

Anyway the story is basically in Rhodey's pov so we're seeing a lot of Tony being an idiot and Rhodes always saving his ass

TW: abuse (Tony's dad is an asshole. I'll say where it starts and ends so if you'd like, you can skip it 💚)


"Hey kiddo."

Peter gave a small smile. "Hey Uncle Rhodey."

"What's up?"  "Nothing much. 'M just sitting here wondering why dad called you to babysit me." Peter cringed at the word. He wasn't a damn baby that needed to be looked after. He was a superhero!

"Aw don't think of it like that Pete. Don't you want to hang with your favorite uncle?" "Yeah, yeah I love hanging out with you. Just the reason he made you come here is annoying," he shrugged.

"Yeah I know... You've got to cut him a bit of slack though. Didn't you sneak out the other night after being told not to just the night before after being injured? As much as I love seeing the hypocrisy of him being pissed off at that, we should probably not go out as spidey for a day or two, eh?"

"Yeah I guess." Peter then smirked. "You said he was being a hypocrite?" "Yes, and only I'm allowed to use it for blackmail." "So... you're not gonna tell me?" "Well I do enjoy pissing him off. Wait- He never told you how we met?" "Nope. Just that you were in college together." "That little shit. Well you're getting the whole story. It started when he got back from a party..."


Most would freak if they found out they were roommates with Tony Stark. Rhodey though, he didn't give it much thought. The guy would be getting enough attention while at MIT. Sure, Stark was only 15 but Rhodey was 16 so there was something he could be proud of.

He never even thought they would become friends. Maybe they wouldn't even talk. Either way was perfectly fine. Rhodey wasn't the most social person to begin with. He'd be too busy with studying for this.

Though a few nights later, Tony came staggering inside their dorm. There was some start-of-the-year party.

He was obviously drunk.

Rhodes decided to just be nice and set down some Advil and a bottle of water at his desk. Early the next morning he got some Mac Donald's for Tony and himself.

The damn guy was lucky Rhodey was a nice person.

When Tony woke up, he groaned and stared at the items on his desk, then made eye contact with Rhodey.

He hummed in thought. "I like you." The boy snorted in response.

"Damn it really took a burger and Advil for a normal conversation, huh? You're welcome by the way." Stark huffed out a laugh. "Apparently."

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