Peter, also known as the sleep-deprived kid

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Requested by: Elizabeth_Emiya


Peter's a dumbass.

Everyone knew it at this point. Sure, he was probably the smartest kid in his school, but just a complete idiot when it came to more important things. Said important things, is his own health. Does he even try to maintain a healthy schedule? Hell no.

Food, water, sleep, anything a human being needs in life, was not brought to Peter's mind. For the most part, he ate a lot because of his metabolism but it was never much. It was barely something healthy. There were some points where Tony had to text him to make sure he was taking care of himself.

Tony: Kid, did you eat today
Peter: ofc
Tony: I don't understand your damn pop culture references.
Peter: I- yes I ate today
Tony: what'd you eat?
Peter: this bag of chips I'm eating rn
Tony: Peter it's 6PM
Peter: and?
Tony: did you at least drink?
Peter: uhhh.. can't remember
Tony: get up and take care of yourself you itsy bitsy dumbass.
Peter: but I'm binging Good Girls :(
Peter: and hey!
Tony: binge it after you drink water
Peter: why are you naggingggg
Tony: Your aunt told me you aren't taking care of your well-being and I'm making sure you don't die
Peter: ok then
Tony: I'm gonna have Karen spy on you in the next few minutes if you don't do as you're told
Peter: How would you know if I lied to you and said I was eating but I actually wasn't
Tony: because I swear to Thor if you don't eat I'm sicking Pepper and May on you. I'll also take away lab time with yours truly.
Peter: isn't the second one more of a punishment for you?
Peter: omg I can feel the disappointed dad look I'm getting anxiety from it and I feel like I've done something wrong
Tony: damn right
Peter: ok, ok I'm getting some food. I'm pretty sure May has leftovers in the fridge.
Tony: ok. Bye Pete. I'll see you tomorrow
Peter: bye

(Ffs every time I just want to do a little text scene it turns out so long-)

Peter listens every time but that doesn't mean the logic sticks.

Despite the young hero's late night activities, he stays up late. For the most part it would be to finish homework but the price to pay of being a super hero is having some hard nights.

Tony and May always got on him about school coming first but he still tended to leave a few things last minute, thinking he'd be back from patrol at a decent time.

This was something he was most known for everywhere.

Not sleeping enough.

That's it.

"Peter," Ned exclaimed as Peter began walking out of their first period. "Huh?" "...Did you go last night without sleeping?" The boy sighed, "Nights... Plural." "You're such an idiot." "Thanks. I'll probably get more sleep tonight. It's a Friday. If not, I've got all of Saturday to sleep."

"Didn't you say May and Mr. Stark were on your ass about staying healthy?" "Yeah. 'S pretty annoying." "By the looks of it, they've got a point." "Dude!"
"Peter I'm all about a few all nighters for finishing work or studying but... when was the last time you got a full night's rest?" "...Uh...I dunno," Peter muttered.

"I- are you serious?" "I dunno, man. I just wake up sometimes. Other than that I sleep." "Yet you've pulled- how many all-nighters?" Peter mumbled something incoherently. Ned then raised an eye brow, not taking his bull crap. "I think like... 2 and a half. I slept a little a few nights ago."

"Peter you really need to sleep." "Wow, I had no idea." Ned raised his eyebrow. "I'm gonna snitch." "What- to who? May's at work." "Mr. Stark gave me his number." "Ned- how are you not fanboying right now. I've literally never seen you even say his name without screeching."

"I fanboyed for over 2 hours when he got my number. I sat on the floor and cried after." "Is that when you called me sobbing and I couldn't figure out why?" "Yeah." Peter snorted. "I thought you were being murdered or something."

"My heart was murdered." As the two made it to their lockers, Peter tilted his head and grinned. "That doesn't even make sense."


Flash stomped around the hallways, looking for his favorite target. It was only one class in and it was already a shitty day for the bully. Classes sucked. Everything was a waste of his time. He could be hanging out with his many friends somewhere being at a party.

As he recognized the backpack worn by Parker, he picked up his pace and brought his arm back, ready to punch. Might as well let out some frustration on a smart ass that couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Though, right before his fist could make contact with his shoulder, the boy gasped and jumped out of the way.

In a way no one expected...


Peter's spidey sense had gone off last minute and the shocky feeling was quick and screamed 'move quick!'

Right as he could process what he'd just done, Peter realized where he was.

On the damn ceiling.

Why couldn't he just jump out of the way? To try and act normal?

He hoped that no one had seen but everyone was gaping at him, their eyes wide and faces pale. Flash looked like he was going to piss himself.
(that was probably the only good outcome. Peter would've been laughing in any other circumstance)

Well, now he was awake.

The feeling of adrenaline kicked in and he jumped down from the spot he was hanging and ran to a storage closet when no one was looking. With his heart beating quickly in his chest, the young hero locked the door and practically deflated against the wall, unlocking his phone.

Peter: can you pick me up?
Peter: and maybe schedule a press conference?
Tony: Why, what's wrong?
Peter: I messed up
Tony: elaborate kiddo
Peter: So I've had a rly hard time sleeping and today I came to school practically dead. Ned asked me what was wrong and I told him and then we were just talking and Flash came behind me to punch me for no reason and my spidey sense went off last minute and I jumped on the ceiling and oh god everyone knows they're gonna tell the whole world what if someone got it on video (damn I got the rambling down lmao)
Tony: kid
Peter: I'm sorry
Tony: there's no need for apologizing. I've done dummer things when sleep deprived. Hell, I've done dummer things wide awake
Peter: but my identity
Tony: I'll handle it. Also, I'm here. Where are you? I'll come grab you.
Peter: in a storage closet. Wait a few minutes for everyone to go to class
Tony: will do, kiddo
Peter: thank you
Tony: anytime.

Yep, Peter screwed up. His sleep deprivation took over and it was just one thing after another with him. Sure, it sucked, but Tony would have his back through it all.

words: 1203

I hope this was ok :,,)



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