Little sh*t

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OK so in this one, Harley and Peter are friends. Also, Pepper and Tony are Peter's biological parents. (a scene in the oneshot is based off of the pic)


Harley was a cool guy. He and Peter had a lot in common. Sure, he was about a year and a half older than Peter (I'm guessing so let's just go with this) but they got agreat pretty great. Harley had been like an older brother to Peter. Harley also saw him as a brother. They acted like siblings a lot and he visited the Avengers compound to see everyone and work on stuff a lot. Today, Harley decided he would just stay the night because...why not?

Tony loved that the two got along so well. He'd been overjoyed when he saw Harley after a little over 5 years.

~~~~~~~~*FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~

Tony's breath hitched. Pepper had recognised this boy as well. She set a comforting hand on his shoulder. A confused, 14 year-old Peter Stark was at his side. The only thing going through his mind was 'Who's this?' Though Tony, he was wondering if it really was him. 'Is it Harley? What's he doing here???'

Hey Tony. How are things?" Tony let out a breathy laugh as he walked over and hugged him. "Great. Things are great kid." "Wow. The Tony Stark is hugging me. What happened Tony? You've become soft. Changed, huh?" He said, returning the hug as Tony laughed. " hm. I guess so. Well, I see you haven't changed, ya little shit." he said, playfully pushing Harley. He laughed along. "Yep."

"Uh..." Peter Started. "Could I be filled in here?" "Oh yeah. Sorry Underoos." Tony looked at Harley. "Harley, This is my son, Peter. Peter, This is an old friend." "I think you're the only one here that's old Stark." Harley said smugly. "Little shit." Tony repeated, his smile never fading.

~~~~~~~FLASH BACK OVER~~~~~~~

During the day, Peter and Harley had just stayed in Peter's personal lab, building and Tinkering things and just talking. "Nerds!" Tony yelled as he walked by the lab. "Look who's talking Tony!" "Yeah dad. You've made like- 50 of the same ironman suits!" Tony a finger over his mouth. "Shush! Your Mom doesn't know!" "I don't know what?" Pepper was right behind him with an expectant look.

"Nothing honey. Just a....surprise...?" "Was that a question?" She deadpanned. "No?" Pepper smiled, jokingly rolling her eyes and walking away. "Ooo dad! She's going to take those suits!" "Yeah and I can take your spiderman suit away so..." "Dad-noooo." Peter said laughing. "Huh?" Harley asked, totally dumbfounded. "oH uH... You didn't know... Oops forgot about that. Welp! I'll leave you to explain Pete."

  "Yeah. Thanks dad." Peter said sarcastically. It took him around an hour to explain to Harley that he was spiderman and stuff. "So... Yeah. Now besides mom, dad, and my two friends, Ned and M.J...You know Spider-Man's identity." "So cool..." He said in amazement. "Spiderman's like- my favorite hero." "Hey!" Tony gasped with an over dramatic tone. "I thought ironman was tour favorite hero." He had walked by and heard that. "Honestly, They're pretty equal in my favorites." "Cool." Peter said.

Peter ended up showing Harley his suit, the web formula, and other things like his powers. "Oh also, I can climb walls and stuff." "Cooool! Show me." "M'kay." Peter said, climbing the wall and to the ceiling. " Ta- da." Then Tony walked in. He looked up and rolled his eyes, smirking a bit.

"Peter. off the ceiling. You're gonna get your footprints on there. You know how Pepper reacted last time you did." Peter quickly dropped to the ground, making Tony's heart skip a beat but he'd landed perfectly. "Since when is that a normal sentence..." "Since my son became a spiderling that can climb walls." "Arachnid." Peter corrected.

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