It's all different

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Peter is Tony's bio son in this‼️ IW happened too


Peter lays on his bed, staring up at the wooden ceiling.

This isn't his home. He wants to go home.

It's been a month since he'd quite literally come back from the dead. From ashes, actually, just like half the population.

Everything's changed.
Mom and dad look different- older. He used to joke about them being old when he was a kid but now, now there's thin streaks of gray in their hair and Peter never knew how much one could age in just five years. How much more evident wrinkles could become. It was scary.

Maybe he wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't been gone all that time. Maybe he'd be happier. And maybe they'd still be at the tower. 

He misses the tower. He misses his aunts and uncles. He's more homesick than he's ever been in his life- but his dad says this is their home now.

Peter had a sister now too.

Gosh, he loves her.

He's never felt such adoration for someone before. He just doesn't know how to show it that well because it's new, and he's awkward, and he doesn't know her but somehow, she knows him almost as much as his parents do.

After dad was healed enough to where he could talk again, he'd explained that this was a decision they'd made just after Morgan was born. Just a few months after the blip. (Fuck, Peter was so excited to meet her-)

They wanted to raise her in a more "stable" home.

It was like a punch to his gut.


He loved the tower.

Sure, his dad being ironman was hard sometimes and when one of their missions went wrong it was a little hard but in the end, everything was ok.

But now, he never saw them. The avengers had all gone their seperate ways. They hadn't even visited the cabin once. Not since his dad got out of Medbay. He understood they were all busy- they had a lot to catch up on and work to do. It's been understandably hectic.

Sam, Rhodey, Nat and Clint went home to be with their families. Bruce, Steve and Bucky help at shield now. Thor- Peter doesn't even know what Thor's doing.

He snaps at himself internally,
They don't have time for you anymore.

Every night he falls asleep to memories of legos with Bruce when he was too young to be in the lab and trying to lift weights with Steve when he was a little kid and lifting weights heavier than him when they started training him after finding out about Spider-man.

When Thor would challenge him to anything he could think of and pretend to loose and take him on trips to Asgard without asking his dad. Rhodey- he was just the most Uncle-y person he'd ever met. He always gave the most helpful advice and was always happy to joke at his dad's expense.

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