Happy New Year

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Oof sorry it's kinda short

*3rd POV*

Peter had a plan. It wasn't very complex, no, but it was a thought out plan. Tonight, he was going to ask MJ out. (And hopefully get a kiss.)

"Pete? You alright?" "Yeah, why?" "You seem... distracted." "Well I am." "Why?" "I'm not telling you 'cause it's a secret." Tony smirked, "Does it have to do with the fact you've invited MJ over to the tower?" "What? No," he sputtered, his face going scarlet.

"Huh. I think it is." "Nope!"


"MJ and Mr. Leeds are here, Peter," FRIDAY's voice rang out in the tower. "Alright." He opened the door and the small party finally started. Besides Peter, Tony, Rhodes, Happy,  Bruce, Pepper, May, Ned, and MJ were there. A small get together.

"Peter calm down-" "What if she doesn't want to go out with me?!" The two were in Peter's room. MJ had excused herself to the bathroom.

Ned's face softened. "I'm sure she will Pete. Any girl would be crazy to not want to go out with you." "Hm..."

"Pete! They're starting the countdown!" "Coming!"

The two ran into the living room. Everyone had a glass in their hand.  (Ned, Peter, and MJ had juice)

"5! 4! 3! 2!"

Peter took a deep breath. Here we go...


Cheers and exclamations of 'Happy New year' exploded through the room.

Tony and Pepper kissed, a small, humorous smile could be seen at how cliche it was. Though, no one expected Happy and May to kiss. (I ACCIDENTALLY TYPED PEPPER INSTEAD OF MAY I'M-) The face that they liked each other was obvious but no one could tell there was an actual thing between them.

'Well shit Happy's my uncle now I guess...'

Peter cleared his throat and held out his hand. "MJ? Um... I-" "Sure loser." She leaned forward, connecting their lips.

A "That's my boy!" Could be heard in unison from Tony and May.

"How'd you kn'w...?" He asked, dazed. Peter felt like he was in a dream. One he never wanted to wake up from.

"You seemed on edge all night. I kinda suspected a little bit. And then my suspicions were confirmed when you turned to me in this very cliche moment." "Yeah. I see how it was obvious."

"I'm gonna go grab a cannoli." She walked out of the room and as soon as she was out of sight, Peter's family pounced. "Peter! Why didn't you tell me about this?!" "Nice goin' kiddo." "I noticed you were nervous but I didn't know this was why!"


Peter: Hey MJ?
MJ: Yeah? What's up?
Peter: I forgot to ask, are we uh... dating?
Peter: It's alright if you dont want to
MJ: I thought that was cleared up when we kissed. But yeah. If you want.
Peter: alright cool!!!
MJ: I'll see you Peter.
Peter: Later MJ!


Words: 482

Happy New Year!!! Sorry I'm a little late and that this is short.

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