Real talks and McDonalds

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"Hey Hap, how's the moving going?"

Tony had been smiling softly when his friend had first called, though, he pauses his work as the line goes silent.

"Uh, you see," he says, stumbling over his words.

Well shit.
That's not a good sign, is it?

"...How's... the moving going?"

He wishes he hadn't asked again.

God, he's stupid.

"The, uh, the plane's crashed. On Coney Island."

His screwdriver drops with a loud 'clank' onto his desk.

"It's crashed," Tony mutters hysterically, sucking in a breath. Apparently, the shock has sucked out his ability to breathe. "Hap, how'd it crash?"

"It got broken into. The vulture guy the kid was talking about, he- he was stealing a bunch of your tech and-"

"How much was stolen?"
Tony scrubs a hand over his face because he knows he doesn't want to hear the answer. He's sure this is going to turn into a whole other problem- there was a lot of dangerous tech in there. This guy's going to have a whole new sponsored-by-Stark-tech-getup and make his life a living nightma-

"Nothing. I mean, you lost a lot in the crash and-and the fire but... That Parker kid had it handled."


His heart immediately begins to race.

He thought he'd stopped the kid from-
He took away the suit.
He shouldn't have-

"I'll be there in twenty."

He hangs up the phone and makes a break for his suit.


Tony takes pride in his ability to make it to places at such a quick speed (when he wants to) but then be more than fashionably late when he deems fit. It keeps people on their toes.

Pepper calls it bad time management but Tony, he calls it skill. With that, to make it to Coney Island in twenty minutes would be worse case scenario.

Twenty minutes would be there's suddenly traffic in the sky, keeping him from making it to his destination in just under ten.

Apparently Happy doubted him though because he acts surprised.

"Tony, how'd you get here so-? It's a 40-minute drive."

"I flew."


"Where's the kid, Happy."

"Oh, I dunno. I thought you were here to get your stuff and... help?" He gestures towards their surroundings, patches of land and debris lit on fire.

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