Peter's mistakes of the day

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Like anyone else, Peter has his good days and bad days.

May's in the hospital at the moment from a
spider-man related incident so understandably, the bad outweighs the good when he can't focus on anything but guilt.

Peter knew it would be a particularly bad one today the second he woke up. He could feel throbbing behind his eyes the moment they opened and that's usually a sign to stay home.

That was mistake number one. Getting out of bed.

Though, he'd already missed so much school sitting with May at her bed or when the amount of hatred he feels towards himself weighs on his chest, making him unable to pull himself out of his own bed.

He couldn't miss anymore school than he already had.

Tony did what he could. They'd already had a shared guardianship over Peter, though, he never lived at the tower before. It was a weekends thing.

But all he had to do was ask to stay home and Tony always did anything in his power to make his day a little better and remind him that May is alive and ok. Just a little banged up.

He's a good dad.

Peter wishes the world knew that, but he doesn't know if he'd be able to handle the attention from press. He doesn't even like attention from people at school regarding the 'internship.' He'd prefer they all stay at a distance while he keeps his few friends close. He likes that life. Especially given the circumstances.

Because gossip spreads so goddamn quickly in High schools, word eventually gets out that May was in the hospital and then some press pictures came out of Tony picking him up at school, and soon, the dots were connected and articles were published that he was currently living at the tower because Parker Luck. So, the only thing he could come up with was playing it off as it being because he has an internship.

Which was a really bad excuse.

That only encouraged Flash to pry into his business more. Classmates try and encourage him to back off but as usual, the bully didn't listen.


Just keep walking Peter. Maybe he'll leave you alone if you ignor-

He jumps in front of him.

"Admit it."

He doesn't need to specify for Peter to know.

"I really don't give a shit if you believe me or not, Flash. I don't know what you want me to say."

"I want you to say you lied."

"Get a life, man."

Where the hell were Ned and MJ? He misses them. MJ would know how to make Flash leave.

"You're a liar! Say you don't actually have an internship!"

Peter rolls his eyes, turning away. "Ok I'm leaving now."

"I'm not done here, Penis," he hisses, fuming. Peter almost laughs at the redness in his cheeks.

"Yeah? Well I am. Fuck off."

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