I wasn't ready

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I made this when the Sony Disney thing first happened and
It's going to be a little confusing so bear with me and you can comment if you need to understand something. :)


It had been a pretty normal day in queens - well... As normal as it could be. To start off, Mr. Beck framed me for murder and told my identity. Now there's a lot of people after me. It's crazy. Ned and MJ try to see me as much as possible. They try to comfort me but it doesn't work. How can it work when I have nothing to do. All I can do is stay hidden.

I use the black suit more often so I can still stop crime without being rioted. People are also harassing May. I've felt awful. I have lost count of how many times I've apologized. She always tells me it's ok but I can tell deep down that it scares her. I just wish Mr. Stark were here. He would know what to do. He always does.

"Hi Pep." I said walking inside the lake house, out of breath. "Hello Peter. How are you?" I sighed. "As good as I can be..." She gave a sympathetic smile. She knows how things have been going. "Another riot?" She asks softly. "Mhm." "I wish I could help more Pete..." She said, bringing me in for a hug. I gladly took it.

I was just tired of this. I haven't seen Ned or MJ in about 2 weeks. I had to stop going to school. People would hate me. They would do everything they could to hurt me. Both Pepper and May "forbid me" to go.

" You've done more than I can ask for Pepper." She'd called a press meeting as soon as she heard the news. We tried to get things resolved but it only got worse. They'd called me names. Said I was a danger to society. There were a few people in shock or were on my side. Some hadn't even heard of Mysterio yet. The news of a new 'superhero' hadn't really made it's way to queens.

Pepper sighed. "You deserve none of this Peter... How could anyone think you'd kill someone? That wasn't spider-man's thing either..." "I don't know. People will believe anything they hear on the internet I guess..." As I looked to the side, I could see a little head poking around the corner.

"Hey lil miss." I said. She'd realized she had been caught and a big smile spread across her face. "Hi Petey!!!" I chuckled. She ran over and I picked her up, letting my not-sister-sister hide her face in my shoulder. "I missed you." The little muffled voice said. "Missed ya too Morg." "You two are too cute." "Pepper..."

"Wanna come have a juice pop Petey?" "If it's ok with your mom." I looked up at my mother-figure. "Peter. At this point, you deserve every juice pop you want." "Hey! What about me!?" "You too Morgan." "Yay!"

I had a 'juice pop' and was soon on my way back to the apartment. I hoped people hadn't been too bad May today. I was in my black spider suit and going through the shadows.

To my surprise a huge hit came out of no where, resulting in me basically flying from that spot onto the road. "Uh- What the hell?!" The thing that hit me didn't even look like a person. It was basically a shadow.

"Dude. Why do you have to come now?" I groaned as shot some webs at him. "I'm here to take you away." "To what? Jail?! You don't look like a cop buddy." "No." "Than what?!" When there was no answer, I rolled my eyes under the mask. "If you won't answer where you're taking me then who are you?" "I'm Sony." He said simply. I almost laughed out loud. "What kind of a villain name is that?!"

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