Stress sick

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I'm sorry y'all I've been gone for a hot minute 💔
College shits been wack
(Also thinking about how I started this book like early 7th grade??)

"Hey kid."

"Hey," a croaky, tired-sounding voice replies.

Tony becomes suspicious- more suspicious than he had been when he'd clicked the contact name in his phone.

He'd just seen the news. Peter hadn't been patrolling lately and his fans were going insane. Like- theorising insane. Every single journalism site heard of his absence and ran with it. Unfortunately, many believe the first thing they read so... things had been a bit chaotic.

God, he hates the press.
All they do is cause problems.

It was odd Peter didn't know considering how often he'd scroll through social media just to see what people thought of Spider-man. (Despite Tony's efforts to get it through his thick skull that he doesn't need other's approval)

He wasn't worried about that right now though. He just wanted to know the kid was alright. He wishes he'd noticed this whole situation earlier on but he'd been drowning in his stupid business responsibilities.

He hated those meetings too. And the paperwork.

There was so much freaking paperwork.

"Just got notified that you blew up Twitter again," when he receives no confused exclamations as expected, his brows furrow, but he continues. "Yeah, the current theory is Spidey quit. Oh, and you'll love this- they're blaming The Daily Bugle so they've been getting loads of hate."

There's a long pause, and then it's as if Peter had just remembered he was still on the phone,

Tony decides to get to the damn point already.
"Seems like you've been gone quite a while, Kid. Any reason?"

There's a short, frustrated, sigh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Mr. Stark I've just been studying like crazy for these finals. I've only got two days of 'em left."

"Ah, finals. I forgot how much school sucked."

"Weren't you, like, done with school when you were my age?"

"Done with high school. I'd just started college," he says. "Which subject are you studying now?"

At least the problem was school. He could help with that. Unless it was history-

"History. And It'd usually be fine but I can't stay focused on this stupid subject. I never liked this class," he mutters.

"Kid, I could help you with literally any other subject."

There's a few sniffles on the other end of the line.

"No, it's fine Mr. Stark, I-I got this. I just need to keep studying."

"You getting sick?"

"Can't get sick," he says. Tony's just now noticing how he does actually sound like he's coming down with something. "I'm Spider-man. Nothin' like that can happen to me anymore."

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