Hurting somebody close

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Spooktober. 26

Ned's an asshole in this oof
And MJ and Peter are falling for each other yet just mess around with it.


"Bye Pete. Have a great day." Peter laughed. Tony was such a dad. They would always joke about him being a 'dad' and Peter being his 'son.' "What's next? A packed lunch?" Tony gave him a deadpan look. "Yeah? Am I not supposed to?" It was silent before the two broke out in what they call 'manly giggles.'

"Here kid, catch." He threw a paper bag full of food at him. "I know how you get hungry. I packed lunch and a bunch of snacks." "Ok Thanks. Bye dad," he joked.
"Goodbye dear son!" Tony then drove off.

Peter walked inside with a smile on his face. "Hey loser. What's with the dorky smile?" MJ's heart fluttered at the sight. His dorky little smile was adorable and could brighten the darkest days. "Nothing MJ. Just Tony and I messing around." "What? More dad jokes? I never knew Tony Stark could start doing those." "Well here we are," Peter shrugged.

"Where's Ned at?" "Um... I haven't seen him..." MJ said. "He seemed pretty off yesterday..."

"Yeah Pete. I noticed. Like... he was just... awkward. Normally you two are complete nerds." Peter chuckled. "Yeah. Maybe he's out sick?" "Yeah but he doesn't he always text you if he misses?" "Yeah..."

"Oi Parker!" "Yes Flash?" He asked through gritted teeth. "How'd you get some dude to pretend he was Tony Stark?" "I didn't," he replied simply. Flash just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. Right. Where's your buddy Ned?" "Um... out sick or something? Why?" "He's not sick," he pretended to think. "He's right over there."

Peter looked over and saw Ned talking with some other people. In fact, they were Flash's friends.

He tilted his head. Why was Ned hanging out with them? "What's he doing over there." "You just read my mind MJ..."

"Yep. He's done hanging out with losers." "Didn't you just call him a loser last week?" "Yeah. But he's done. He's with us now." "So you just came over here to rub in my face that my best friend ditched me. Okay." "Yep."

Peter rolled his eyes and walked to class with MJ. He should've been able to ignore it but... Ned was his best friend. He'd refused to even look at him throughout the day. When they got to lunch, he didn't sit with them either. He glanced over at Flash's table and saw that Ned was happy; happier than he'd seemed to be lately sitting with him and MJ.

Maybe he felt like a 3rd wheel. Would that be why he left? Peter and MJ flirted sometimes but it was definitely occasional.

"Loser?" "Yeah?" "Are you ok?" "Uhm-yeah. I'm fine MJ." Ned then noticed that Peter had been glancing at him and smirked. "Hey Parker." Why was he calling him Parker? It was always Pete or Peter.

"Huh?" "Why're you staring at me?" "I'm not." "Yeah. You are."

MJ scoffed.
"Why'd you leave Peter, Ned? You guys were best friends." "Maybe to him. It got boring listening to him geek out all the time."

"Dude. You geeked out way more than him." "It was fake. I over exaggerated it." "Wow. Great acting," she deadpanned.

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