Chapter 1

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"Hey Elle... Can i have 3 IPA's and 1 merlot..." Kim says and i nod opening the fridge getting 3 bottles of IPA and i grab a wine glass pouring the red liquid in the glass... I put them on a tray for Kim to take to our guests... It is a busy night and i am behind the bar from the restaurant i work at... All of a sudden, my phone lights up and i see my friend Mary's name pop up... I look around i have a few seconds so i accept the facetime call...

"Hey Mary... I dont have much time... I am at work..." I say and i look at her as she is all giddy... "Okay, okay... But i have someone who wants to say hello..." She says and turns the phone and my heart drops as Chris Evans's face appears in the screen... "Hello..." He says waving at the camera and i smile shaking my head... "Hi..." I say back and he smiles... "It is nice to see you... Mary says you are a big fan..." Chris says smiling and i chuckle... "I like your movies... Yes..." I say and he smirks...

"Well thank you..." He says and i smile... "Oh man as much as this is making my day i am really slammed at work and i can't talk... I am sorry..." I say as i hear Kim ask for another round of drinks for table 8 and he smiles... "That is okay... Too bad but okay thanks for watching my movies..." He says and i smile at him... "Look i really have to go... But can you do me a favor..." I say and he looks a little hesitant but nods...

"Dont worry it is nothing bad..." I say and he takes a deep breath... "Okay... What is the favor..." He says and i smile... "Be happy..." I say and for a moment he looks at me stunned... "Be happy?" He says and i nod... "Yes... Be happy... If someone deserves it... It is you..." I say and he is still a bit stunned but nods... "Thanks..." He says and i hear Kim yelling out for me... "Oh and give Dodger a cuddle for me... Sorry have to go thanks for making my day... Bye..." I say and hang up my phone...

I walk back to the bar and the rest of my shift i am on cloud nine... I just can't believe he was being so nice and let Mary call me so i could talk to him even if it was just for a second...

"Why are you so giddy...?" Kim asks as we are having a drink after we had closed the restaurant... "It is just a good day..." I say... It is not that i dont like Kim but i know she is a bit of a gossip, and she knows that Mary is on vacation and where... Kim has many followers on Twitter and i dont want her to give away that Chris is there and have him be swarmed by fans and maybe press... I couldn't imagine what it must be like to have your every move watched always...

"I am going home..." I say and slam back my drink before standing up... Kim watches me squinting her eyes at me and i know it is killing her not knowing what uplifted my mood all of a sudden... "Goodnight..." I say and walk out with a smirk on my face... I come home and take a shower and get into bed... It had been a ridiculously busy night and i am exhausted... It doesn't take long before i am asleep...

I wake up from my phone ringing... I groan and look at the time... It is only 9 in the morning... "Who calls at this hour..." I sigh and take my phone from my nightstand... I dont recognize the number and it is a facetime call... I look at the screen a little confused... The ringing stops and i sigh as i hadn't picked up. I wanted to put my phone away, but my phone starts to ring again... I dont know why but this time i answered the call...

"Hi..." A voice said sounding a little unsure and i looked stunned at my screen as a shyly smiling Chris appeared... "What... How..." I say and he chuckles and blushes a bit... "I hope you dont mind... I asked your friend for your number..." He said and all i could do was nod... "Do you mind?" He asks and i sit up and rub my eyes... "No... Just a little confused as to why..." I say and he blushes... "Well i wanted to ask you something and well you didn't have time last night..." He says and this confuses me even more but i nod... "Ask away..." I say and he takes a deep breath... "Well... You said be happy... And well i uhm... I just... Well... Do you think i am not happy?" He says his voice sounding a little insecure and i chuckled...

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