Chapter 52

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My phone rings and it is Scott. "Elle is Chris with you? Are you okay? He is not answering his phone..." He asked panicked. "Yes... He is... He is with me and i am okay..." I say and i hear Scott let out a massive sigh... "Oh thank god... What happened? He all of a sudden stormed out..." Scott said and i can hear the worry in his voice...

"Our pregnancy... It is all over the news..." I whisper not wanting to wake Chris up. But i didn't want to leave him either. "What... When... How...?" Scott asks with shock in his voice and i sigh... "I dont know exactly when... But i am guessing just now as it is still all over the news... They are having it on repeat..." I whisper as i see the same news segment again but this time i had muted it...

"They have pictures of Chris and i leaving the baby store... We had not noticed the paparazzi... There is no denying i am pregnant... Chris is rubbing and kissing my belly on the photo's..." I whisper and Scott sighs... "Do you need me to come over?" Scott asks and i smile... "Why? To watch Chris sleep? We will be fine. But thanks..." I say softly and Scott takes a deep breath... "You sound very calm..." He says and i smile... "I feel calm... We knew this was going to happen sooner or later and i am good... I knew this came with having a relationship with your brother. I am okay. Chris is a little distraught, but we will be fine... I am going to let him sleep for now... I think i have reassured him that this doesn't change a thing... I am not going to let the press break me... Or us for that matter... From the moment i said yes to marrying him to me for better and for worse went into effect so he is stuck with me..." I say smiling and Scott chuckles...

"Just call me when you need anything..." He says and i smile... "I will, thanks Scott. I love you know that right... You are the best brother-in-law any girl could wish for..." I say and i can almost feel him blush... "Love you to Elle... You're like the little younger sister i never had..." He says with love in his voice and i giggle... "Please take care of my brother... This is probably really stressful for him." Scott says and i hum... "I will Scott dont worry..." I say and we hang up...

After laying on the couch for a while with Chris wrapped around me i need to pee... But Chris has a death grip on me as if he is scared i am going to disappear. I know i have to wake him up because if i dont get to the toilet soon i will pee my pants... Dodger pushes himself up from his pillow and walks over to us stretching himself out before he pushes his snout in Chris his face... I look at him stunned as it is like he has red my mind. It is like he said dont worry i will wake him knowing you dont want to...

Chris moves a little and i run my hand through his hair... "I am sorry honey... But i need you to wake up a little so i can go pee..." I whisper and Chris groans in response... "Dont worry i will be right back to snuggle with you, okay?" I say and a little smile appears on Chris his face, and he lets me go... His eyes are still closed... I push myself up and go pee and to my surprise Chris is sitting up stroking Dodgers head when i walk back into the living room... I smile as Dodger seems to understand that Chris needs him more than i do right now...

Chris looks at me giving me a little smile... "I am sorry..." He says and i look confused... "For what sweetie?" I ask and he sighs... "For freaking out i guess... Megan called and told me the news was out and i panicked..." He whispers and i chuckle... "I know... Scott called saying they couldn't find you as you stormed off..." I say and Chris turns bright red... I walk over to him and nudge Dodger away who huffs and walks back to his pillow... I chuckle and step between Chris his legs and tilt his head making him look at me... I smile as his hands automatically run up the back of my legs and land on my ass making me giggle a little...

I lean in and kiss him and when we break the kiss he sighs and rest his forehead against my chest wrapping his arms around me holding me tight... "It is going to be okay..." I whisper running my hand through his hair... "I am okay... We are okay... And more importantly our little girl is okay..." I whisper and take his hand of my back and put it on my belly... He sits up and looks at me smiling. He lifts my shirt and i smile as he kisses my belly... "I just wish i could give you a normal life." He whispers more to our little girl than me...

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