Chapter 46

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Chris pov...

We are sitting in the doctor's office waiting for our doctor. We are here for a checkup... The last few days have been amazing... Elle and i had been locked away in the house just the two of us. God i love it being just the two of us and we definitely needed it... She is 17 weeks pregnant now. I could see her belly grow before my eyes... She looks absolutely beautiful. She is glowing. She is just beautifully pregnant. I could never resist touching her belly and whenever we were laying on the couch or in bed my hand gravitated towards it. The last week has just been absolute bliss...

"Good morning..." The doctor says walking in, and we greet him back and shake hands... A few days ago, they took some blood from Elle for some tests, and we were hoping everything was okay... I am not too worried as she was feeling great. I remember Carly being pregnant and feeling awful but not Elle... Other than some back pains and having to take a nap every now and then she was feeling great.

The doctor smiles and opens her file. "So, we took some blood for some test and everything is great. How are you feeling?" The doctor asks and Elle smiles. "Other than some back pain i am feeling great..." She says and the doctor smiles... "Well, everything looks great. I dont see anything that alarms me... You gain weight in a healthy amount and your bloodwork is good..." He says to us and i take Elle's hand in mine, smiling.

"I have a question though..." She says blushing and the doctor looks at her with a reassuring smile... "It is a bit embarrassing..." She mumbles and the doctor chuckles. "Dont worry... Nothing to be embarrassed about... I probably have heard it all by now. Ask away..." He says and she takes a deep breath...

"Is it... uhm... Is it normal to want sex all the time... I hear that some women dont have that urge... Either in the first trimester or the second... I uhm... Well i had a short while that i was not up for it... A really short while but well lately... I... I feel restless and it is the only way to relax and stop the restlessness... I dont want to harm the baby... I know it is probably safe... But is there something as too much... sex...?" She says bright red and i have to try really hard not to smirk proudly and full of myself...

The doctor chuckles and shakes his head... "It is perfectly safe... You are healthy... In a moment we will check on the baby. You dont have any complications so i dont see why you can't have sex... Just dont be too rough and make sure you are comfortable... Is there a reason why you are restless?" He asks and Elle shrugs her shoulders... "Dont know... I just... Oh god this is embarrassing..." She mumbles and i squeeze her hand to reassure her and she looks up at me...

"I just need him close... I can't seem to relax without him... It is like my body craves him..." She whispers and a little grin form on my face as i can't help it... The doctor smiles as we turn to look at him... "Just enjoy it both while you can... There will probably come a moment that you are feeling too uncomfortable to have sex... As long as you are both up for it there is no problem..." He says and this seems to reassure Elle.

"Shall we check on your baby?" He asks and we both smile and nod... Elle lays down on the examination table and the doctor pulls the ultrasound equipment closer and starts to do his thing. He measures her belly first and feels around before he squirts some jelly on her belly and starts the ultrasound... I smile a warm feeling spreading in my chest as our baby appears on the screen... I look at Elle who has tears in her eyes that are focused on the screen to...

The doctor points the baby out and i kiss Elle's hand... "Everything looks great..." He says and Elle and i both smile from ear to ear... The heartbeat fills the room... "Heartbeat is strong..." The doctor says and i smile even more... "You have a healthy baby..." The doctor says smiling looking at us and i kiss Elle her hand again as i am fighting my own tears... I sometimes just can't believe i am finally having a family... It just makes me so happy.

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