Chapter 34

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"Have fun at work honey..." I say batting my eyes at Chris with a smirk on my face as he is about to walk out to the front door to the awaiting car... He laughs and pulls me in his arms... "You have a wonderful day sweetheart... Have fun with Mary and Scott say hello for me." He whispers and kisses me passionately making me squeal as he dips me low... "I will... But are sure i can't convince you to play hooky and stay home with me?" I ask him, pouting. He laughs and kisses me again...

"You are so much trouble... But as tempting as that sounds, i have to work sweetheart... They are counting on me..." He says and kisses me again... "I know..." I whisper smiling... "Besides... The sooner i am done... The sooner the mustache can go..." He whispers with a smirk... "Well in that case..." I say turning him around and i start pushing him towards the car making him laugh all the way...

Chris gets in the car and i wave as he takes off. I walk back into the house and take a shower and get dressed for my brunch with Mary and Scott. I smile as i walk out of the bathroom and Dodger is laying on the bed waiting for me... "Yes, sweetie you can come to... I made sure of it..." I say and he wags his tail.

I put on a dress and sigh... I really should by some new jeans as my old ones really are not comfortable anymore... Maybe i can convince Scott and Mary to come shopping with me after brunch.

My phone dings and i smile as it is a message from Lisa asking me how i am feeling... Every day she texts me to ask... Even though we just spoken late last night to tell her about the engagement she still checks in... I dont mind... I love it. She is so sweet and excited about the engagement and the baby. I text her back i am great. That i am off to have brunch with Scott and a friend...

Dad was happy in his own way to... He didn't say much. Just congratulations and that we had to talk about payment for the wedding. Chris and i had absolutely refused to let him pay. Instead, we made a compromise. He would pay for the dress... I wish he wouldn't but like i said... Compromise...

I put on my shoes and get my purse before i walk to the front door... I take Dodgers leash and walk into the garage... "Right side on the wall..." I mumble as Chris had told me he left the keys for the car on the hook... I find them and my eyes grow wide as i see which keys they are... There is a note sticking to the wall underneath the keys...

I take the note and read it smiling and feeling all giddy all of a sudden...

Take the Camaro out for a spin... She needs to be driven and who better to drive a beautiful car then a beautiful girl...

Love you...

I look at the car and do a little happy dance... I walk over to it letting my fingers glide over the car... It is so beautiful... The little details with the shields, the color... Absolutely gorgeous... I can't believe he allows me to drive it... I open the car door and Dodger jumps in on the front seat and i smile as i see a seat belt is installed for him.

I attach the seatbelt and walk around the car and get behind the wheel.

"E: Are you sure you want me to drive this car? 😬 x."

I text Chris just to be sure... I look around and the inside is just as beautiful... I feel all giddy and have the biggest smile on my face... Dodger just looks at me confused.

"C: I am sure sweetheart... Have fun... Be careful though... 🥰 x."

"E: I will... Someone is getting so lucky tonight... This car does things to me... I dont mind being sprawled on the hood of this car to... 🤭 x."

"C: Naughty girl. But that can be arranged. On it... In it... Whatever you want kitten... 🥵x."

"E: Promises, promises... Have fun Mr. Evans. Love you... 🥰x."

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