Chapter 22

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We pull up to this adorable cottage in the middle of the French countryside... It is not a massive mansion but this adorable little brick cottage that has green and blue shutters on the windows and flowers in this beautiful garden surrounding the house. I just look at in awe as Chris gets out the car followed by Dodger who immediately starts running through the garden happy to have a place to stretch his legs and chase French squirrels...

I take Chris his hand as i step out the car and he smiles... "Do you like it?" He asks a little unsure and i slowly nod my head... "I love it... It is so cute..." I whisper as i look around... "It is nothing big or fancy but..." He starts to say but i shake my head... "It is perfect..." I whisper and Chris gets the biggest smile on his face... I dont know why he is worried i dont need the big house or the most luxurious things...

"It is perfect Chris... I love it..." I say again and he smiles... "I choose it because of the garden, the kitchen and the privacy... And on hot days you and Dodger can cool off in the pool out back..." He says and i smirk... "Privacy huh..." I say smirking and Chris nods... "I see no tan lines in my future..." I whisper and Chris swallows hard as his eyes grow wide...

"I dont think i am going to be productive on set knowing your lying naked at the pool..." He mumbles and i laugh... "Fine i will cover up from head to toe..." I say snickering and he rolls his eyes... Chris takes my hand, and we walk inside he had picked up the key at the hotel as someone had left it there for us...

"Chris this is more kitchen than house..." I whisper in awe as we walk around downstairs... It is one open living space and i absolutely love it... It has this massive kitchen... I smile and open the patio doors and i look up to the wine ranks hanging above us... "It's like i am in a fairytale..." I murmur and Chris wraps his arms around me hugging me from behind...

I turn in his arms and kiss him passionately... "It is almost not fair you are going to have to work and i am going to chill out here..." I mumble and he smirks... "Hey you're working to... Watching Dodger and cook dinner for your very demanding boss..." He says smirking... "Shhh... He can hear you..." I whisper and Chris laughs...

"Besides all i hear is chilling out at the pool all day with Dodger until i have to start on dinner..." I say smirking and Chris smirks back at me... I am just about to kiss Chris again when there is a knock on the door... I look up and a man is standing at the front door that is still open... "Excuse me... I am here to deliver the car..." The man says and i smile at the thick French accent... Chris lets me go and takes my hand and walks me outside following the man who hands him keys to a car... "You can just leave it with the house when you leave... We will pick it up then..." The man says and we both nod as he leaves just as quick as he had arrived getting in a car that was waiting for him.

"Well, this is yours for the time here..." He says handing me the keys and i smile... "But how are you getting to set?" I ask and he chuckles... "I will be driven sweetheart..." He says and i take a deep breath. "Of course..." I mumble and he chuckles... "Want to have a quick drive?" Chris asks but i shake my head... "No, we have to call Megan and you have to leave in about 4 hours... I will go do grocery shopping after you leave..." I say and Chris nods looking a little disappointed...

"Do you have any wishes for dinner sir?" I ask him as sweet as possible, and he chuckles... "Something light..." He says and i nod smiling... "As you wish sir..." I whisper and he grins... "Can you do me one favor when you are going into town?" He says and i nod... "You said you wanted to shave me when it was time..." He says and i smirk and nod... "Can you do that now?" He asks and i giggle... "Yes... But first let's call Megan..." I say and he nods and pulls out his phone...

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